<p>Spring Elective Bible Studies<br />
Wednesdays, April 2 &ndash; May 7<br />
6:30&ndash;8:00 PM<br />
<em>Register now!</em></p>
Spring Elective Bible Studies
Wednesdays, April 2 – May 7
6:30–8:00 PM
Register now!

Spring Elective Bible Studies

Wednesdays, April 2 – May 7

6:30–8:00 PM

Join us on Wednesday evenings this spring for four weeks to dive into God’s Word! (There’s no class during Spring Break, April 16 & 23.)

Expect to grow in your knowledge and understanding of the Bible and to be challenged to apply biblical truth to your life! 

Our Wednesday evening schedule coordinates with Fellowship Dinner, IGNITE for students, Awana & Gopher Buddies for kids, Nursery (please register), Special Needs, and Worship Ministry rehearsal. There’s something for everyone! 

Please register below by noon on April 2 or sign in at your first class.


An Overview of Romans
With Pastor Rob Reece
Banquet Room

The epistle to the Romans has been called “Paul’s magnum opus” and “the cathedral of the Christian faith.” In this letter, Paul not only presents the Gospel but also deals with a host of topics, including original sin, total depravity, justification, sanctification, the righteousness of God, and the supremacy and sufficiency of Christ. Explore this theologically rich letter and learn how to apply its truths in the Christian life.

Deepening the Roots of Your Parenting
with Pastor Nathaniel Pearce
Room 402

Godly parenting is like a tree with roots that are always growing deeper and wider into the soil of God’s Word. Like trees, parents who choose not to grow in their parenting are more vulnerable to the storms and high winds of life’s trials. Join us to learn biblical principles that will deepen your parenting roots!

Knowing God Through the Minor Prophets, Part 3
with Pastor Sibu Rajappan
Room 1200

The books of the minor prophets are rich in their theology, and they paint a beautiful picture of our great God. Their profound messages give us insight into God’s heart for His people and the world. Join us as we study the themes and messages of Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi to learn wonderful truths about God and how to apply them in your life today!

A Survey of the New Testament, Part 2
with Pastor Jim Pile
Room 401

How well do you know your Bible? One of the goals of the apostle Paul was “to make the word of God fully known” (Colossians 1:25). We should have the same goal! We will learn key themes, passages, and lessons from Titus through Revelation to better equip you to be an “ambassador for Christ” (2 Corinthians 5:20).

His Unfailing Promises
With Miguel Gonzalez
Room 445

There is Someone we can always count on — our eternal God! He will never fail us, even when we are struggling in life. Even when fear and doubt threaten our faith. Even when we feel empty and alone. Even when the walls around us are caving in. God stands ever near, ready to forgive us. He will teach us how to regain strength and confidently walk life’s road again. Join this study of God’s unfailing promises.

The Book of Jude
With Tim Donelli
Room 446

With apostasy running rampant in the church, the Book of Jude is important for all Christians. Jude is the only book of the Bible devoted entirely to the issue of false teachers. It urges us to be discerning and to earnestly contend for the faith. The class will take four weeks to study all 25 verses with depth and clarity. Join us and put into action Jude's plea to earnestly contend for the faith!

Spanish Bible Study: Deuteronomy, Part 2
with Bill Ogden
Room 242

Deuteronomy serves as the constitution of the nation of Israel, touching on both civic and religious life. We will find many examples of God’s values for society. This interactive group is taught in Spanish without translation. 

Wednesday Night Prayer
with Bob Lanning
Calvary Prayer Room

Feel free to join us on Wednesday evenings. During this time, we will pray for each other, Calvary Church, our community, our nation, and the world. We meet continually throughout the year.

Contacts: Pastor Rob Reece, rreece@calvarychurch.com & Helen Stewart, 704.341.5328, hstewart@calvarychurch.com