<p>Middle School Ministry<br />
Grades 6&ndash;8</p>
Middle School Ministry
Grades 6–8

Middle School

In Calvary Middle School Ministry, we focus on equipping students in grades 6–8 to have an authentic, growing relationship with Jesus Christ and live in a way that impacts the world by making Him known — in their neighborhoods, school, community, and beyond.

Grow with us! Invite friends to any of our programs or events. 

Student Ministry Office Contacts: Pastor Micah Burdett, 704.341.5327, mburdett@calvarychurch.com & Jennifer Porras, 704.341.5320, jporras@calvarychurch.com

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    Student Life Groups
    Sundays, 11:15 AM
    Calvary Life Center

    Students, join us on Sundays at 11:15 AM in the Calvary Life Center!

    • High School, CLC 1400
    • Middle School, CLC 1300

    This is where you'll be challenged to apply Scripture to your life through Bible teaching, small group discussion, and prayer. 

    We meet every Sunday after the 9:45 AM worship service!

    Contacts: Pastor Cameron Engle, 704.887.3678, cengle@calvarychurch.com, Pastor Micah Burdett, 704.341.5327, mburdett@calvarychurch.com, or Jennifer Porras, 704.341.5320, jporras@calvarychurch.com

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    Student Ministry
    Wednesdays, 6:30–8:00 PM

    Worship, Bible study, fun & fellowship for students

    Wednesdays, 6:30–8:00 PM
    Calvary Life Center

    On Wednesday nights, students (6th–12th grades) get connected, have fun with friends, and grow in their faith at IGNITE!

    We begin our evening with worship led by our Student Worship Band in CLC 1400. Then, students split up for Bible teaching and discussion. High school students stay at CLC 1400, and middle school students go to CLC 1300.

    Join us for IGNITE each week, and deepen your relationship with Christ!

    Contacts: Pastor Cameron Engle, 704.887.3678, cengle@calvarychurch.com
    Pastor Micah Burdett, 704.341.5327, mburdett@calvarychurch.com
    Jennifer Porras, Ministry Office, 704.341.5320, jporras@calvarychurch.com




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    Manderley Summer Camp
    Student Ministry
    July 14–18
    Register now!

    at Manderley Christian Camp

    Monday–Friday, July 14–18
    for students currently in grades 6–12

    We're heading to Manderley Christian Camp this summer!

    Middle and high school students are invited to come with us to Manderley Christian Camp in Pikeville, TN, for a great week of fun with friends! Led by our own Calvary team, this camp will equip students to deepen their relationship with Christ through worship, Bible teaching, devotional time, and fellowship. 

    There will be plenty of time for recreational activities at camp! Students will enjoy the new swimming pool, zipline, disc golf, hiking, ropes course, volleyball, archery, gaga ball, 4-square, and more on the huge rec field. 

    Travel Schedule:
    Monday, July 14
     — 12:30 PM Check-in at the CLC
    Friday, July 18 — Return to the CLC

    Cost: $350
    Includes roundtrip transportation, meals, lodging, and T-shirt

    A $100 non-refundable deposit is required at registration; full payment is due by May 1.



    Contacts: Student Ministry Office: Jennifer Porras, 704.341.5320, jporras@calvarychurch.com
    Pastor Cameron Engle, 704.887.3678, cengle@calvarychurch.com
    Pastor Micah Burdett, 704.341.5327, mburdett@calvarychurch.com




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    Sunday Night Fellowship
    Student Ministry
    Sunday, March 23

    Sunday evenings are always a fun time for Calvary students to enjoy fellowship, build relationships with our Student Ministry pastors and leaders, and grow together in God's Word. We meet in the Calvary Life Center from 6:00 to 7:15 PM.

    Open to all middle and high school students!

    It's a great opportunity to invite friends to Calvary and get to know others in Student Ministry. We hope to see you there!

    Winter/Spring Schedule

    • January 12 — 2:42 Fellowship & Dinner
    • January 26 — Tourney Night
    • February 2 — 2:42 Fellowship & Dinner
    • February 23 — Missions Night
    • March 9 — 2:42 Fellowship & Dinner
    • March 23
    • April 13
    • May 4

    "And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers." — Acts 2:42

    Contacts: Pastor Cameron Engle, 704.887.3678, cengle@calvarychurch.com
    Pastor Micah Burdett, 704.341.5327, mburdett@calvarychurch.com
    Jennifer Porras, Ministry Office, 704.341.5320, jporras@calvarychurch.com






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    Winter Retreat
    Student Ministry
    March 21–23

    “Directed” — Our Retreat Theme

    NEW DATES: Friday–Sunday, March 21–23, 2025
    The Anchorage Camp
    Lake Waccamaw, NC

    Let's get away for the weekend! On our Student Ministry Retreat, we'll grow closer to Christ as we study Scripture together. This will be an important time for our students, including worship, large and small group interaction, fellowship, and connection.

    In their free time, students can enjoy indoor rock climbing, roller skating, mini golf, gaga ball, 9 square, coffee and snack shops, a game room, and more.

    Friday, March 21

    • 5:00 PM, Check-In at the Calvary Life Center
    • 5:30 PM, DINNER in the CLC 
    • 6:00 PM, Departure to Anchorage Camp

    Saturday, March 22

    • 7:00 AM–10:00 PM, Retreat Activities

    Sunday, March 23

    • 7:00 AM, Departure
    • 9:00 AM, BREAKFAST at Calvary
    • 9:45 AM, Worship Service
    • 11:15 AM, Student Life Groups

    The cost is $150 per student (includes meals, transportation, & accommodations)

    Registration for this event is now closed.

    Student Ministry Contacts:
    Pastor Cameron Engle, 704.887.3678, cengle@calvarychurch.com
    Pastor Micah Burdett, 704.341.5327, mburdett@calvarychurch.com
    Jennifer Porras, 704.341.5320, jporras@calvarychurch.com



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    Annual Enrollment Form
    Student Ministry
    Complete the form for 2024–25

    REQUIRED FORM — Important!

    Parents, for students to participate in Calvary activities, a new enrollment form is required for the 2024–25 school year. Please complete the form below. This enrollment is valid through August 2025.


    Contacts: Pastor Cameron Engle, 704.887.3678, cengle@calvarychurch.com
    Pastor Micah Burdett, 704.341.5327, mburdett@calvarychurch.com
    Jennifer Porras, Student Ministry Office, 704.341. 5320, jporras@calvarychurch.com

    Photo & Video Release —
    Participation at Calvary Church confirms permission for church employees and volunteers to take photos and record video footage of children, students, and adults for potential use in Calvary’s print, web, digital, and social media for ministry or promotional purposes. No personal information will be included.



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    Student Ministry Leaders
    Learn more about our team!  

    Do you have a passion for making a difference in the lives of the next generation? Consider volunteering with our Student Ministry team. As our ministry grows, there are many opportunities to serve!

    Sunday PM Event Volunteers

    Selected Sundays during the school year, 5:30–7:30 PM
    Locations include the CLC/Gym/Fields

    • Student Ministry offers a fellowship and outreach event during selected Sunday evening worship services each month. Students participate in a short devotion and enjoy organized games and competitions, usually planned around a fun theme. Responsible adult volunteers help activities run smoothly and monitor crowd control. We need more volunteers to support this fun outreach time!

    IGNITE Small Group Leaders

    Wednesdays during the school year, 6:30–8:00 PM
    In the Calvary Life Center

    • In this role, you will guide a weekly conversation with a group of students and help them apply truths from the message at IGNITE. We provide discussion questions beforehand to help you. You’ll need to spend about 30 minutes reviewing the Scripture passages and questions each week. The small group time lasts about 20 minutes. A short training is provided.

    Student Life Group Leaders

    Sundays year-round, 11:15 AM–12:30 PM
    In the Calvary Life Center

    • Adults who feel called to disciple students are encouraged to teach a Student Life Group. This role requires an hour or two of preparation each week, studying the curriculum and Bible lessons. Most SLG teaching schedules are set so that leaders may still attend an Adult Life Group regularly. Mandatory training is provided.

    In each of these roles, your ministry is to share God's love and model a Christ-transformed life as you care about Calvary students and build relationships with them. The hours you invest will have an eternal impact! 

    Volunteers must have attended Calvary for at least six months, be Calvary Church members, complete the training and approval process, and pass a background check. 

    Please let us know if you're interested! 

    Pastor Cameron Engle, High School, 704.887.3678, cengle@calvarychurch.com
    Pastor Micah Burdett, Middle School, 704.341.5327, mburdett@calvarychurch.com