<p>Serve at Calvary<br />
You can make a difference<br />
<em>See current opportunities</em></p>
Serve at Calvary
You can make a difference
See current opportunities

Serve at Calvary

At Calvary, we have unique opportunities to reach out with love to others and share the Gospel!

There are many ways to get involved! Below is a list of current and ongoing volunteer needs. Check out our Local Outreach ministries for more ways to serve.


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    Easter Volunteers
    Childcare, Ushers & Greeters

    Help us reach out and welcome our guests!

    Would you consider attending one Easter worship service and volunteering for the other?

    Easter Nursery Volunteers

    • Good Friday, April 18 | 7:00 PM
      Caring volunteers are needed to serve in the Nursery during the service. 
    • Easter Sunday, April 20 | 9:00 & 11:00 AM
      Nursery and Preschool classes (through Kindergarten) will be provided on Easter Sunday. New and one-time volunteers are welcome.

    Ages 18+ must have a background check on file. Volunteers must arrive at least 30 minutes before the service starts. 

    Please contact the coordinators below to sign up:

    Nursery: Heather Melcher, 704.341.5399, hmelcher@calvarychurch.com
    Preschool: Susan Grigg, 704.341.5356, sgrigg@calvarychurch.com

    Easter Ushers & Greeters 

    We need additional ushers and greeters to welcome guests and assist with seating on Easter Sunday.

    Greeters and ushers arrive 45 minutes before the service begins. 

    Calvary members may sign up by emailing the contacts below:

    Ushers: Malcolm Weeks, malcolm.weeks58@gmail.com 
    Greeters: Hector Castillo, hectorcastillo7@verizon.net






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    Hearts & Hammers
    Lend a hand one Saturday each month

    Men and women, do you have general household repair skills and a heart to serve? We are recruiting new volunteers!

    Calvary Hearts & Hammers teams will serve the second Saturday morning each month, tackling basic household repairs, home maintenance, and yard work for those in our congregation who need a helping hand on an ongoing basis. 

    Please contact us about joining a Hearts & Hammers team!

    Contacts: Jeff Edwards, jte8771@gmail.com, Pastor Micah Burdett, 704.341.5327, mburdett@calvarychurch.com, & Jennifer John, 704.543.1200, jjohn@calvarychurch.com

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    Auto Repair Ministry
    Join our team!

    Third Saturdays as scheduled
    8:00 AM–Noon

    The Automotive Repair Ministry assists with auto repairs and maintenance primarily for Calvary members and attendees who have financial needs due to limited or fixed income. Volunteers provide these services in such a manner that “they may see our good works and glorify our Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16). The team consists of committed volunteers with automotive repair experience and a desire to share their skills with the Calvary community.

    If you are a professional mechanic or a skilled DIYer with experience repairing and maintaining automobiles, please contact us and help us in this ministry!

    Contacts: Pastor Micah Burdett, 704.341.5327, mburdett@calvarychurch.com & Jennifer John, 704.543.1200, jjohn@calvarychurch.com

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    The Gathering
    Café Volunteer Opportunities
    Sign up to learn more

    Want to be part of ministry at The Gathering — the new coffee shop at Calvary Church?

    We need friendly volunteers who love Jesus and enjoy people to staff the café!

    To start, we'll be open weekdays from 7:00 AM until 2:00 PM, Wednesday evenings, and Sunday AM and PM. Shifts are flexible, and training is provided. 

    Duties will include welcoming guests, taking/filling food and beverage orders, handling point-of-sale transactions, using the coffee and espresso machines, clearing tables, stocking supplies, and more. Folks of all ages are welcome to apply. Standing for periods of time is required.

    Ready to share your gift of hospitality? 

    Register below, and we'll be in touch about opportunities for training and serving.


    Contact: Valerie Ahearn, Café Ministry Manager, vahearn@calvarychurch.com

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    Student Orchestra
    for 8th–12th graders
    March 26 & 30

    Calvary Student Orchestra is for 8th–12th graders who have played an orchestral instrument for two or more years. We invite you to use your musical talent to glorify God in worship.

    Our next opportunity to serve is:

    • Rehearsal: 
      Wednesday, March 26
      5:00–6:15 PM, Sanctuary
    • Worship Service:
      Sunday, March 30 
      9:45 AM, Sanctuary

    Sign up by contacting Chelsea Jones at 704.341.5435 or cjones@calvarychurch.com.

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    Children's Ministry Volunteers
    Learn more about serving with us!

    Join our volunteer team!

    Calvary Children's Ministry is growing, with more new families joining us each week! 

    If you love the Lord Jesus and love to teach children about Him and His Word, we invite you to partner with us to reach the next generation with the Gospel. You may serve as a teacher, assistant, leader, or partner — all are important to the success of our ministry. Many volunteers serve on a rotating monthly schedule.


    There are many opportunities to serve with children at every age and stage: 

    • Nursery (Birth–Two) — Sunday AM & PM, Wednesday PM
    • Preschool (Two–K) — Sunday AM
    • Kid Zone (1st & 2nd Grades) —  Sunday AM
    • Zone 345 (3rd–5th Grades) — Sunday at 11:15 AM
    • Special Needs (Children & Students) — Sunday AM, Wednesday PM
    • Family Welcome Desk (Galleria) — Sunday AM

    To join our team, volunteers must have attended Calvary for at least six months, and all teachers must be Calvary members. Background checks are required for those 18 years of age and older.

    Please complete the registration below, and we'll contact you about opportunities to serve with us!


    Interested in serving with our Children's Bible Clubs — Awana, Gopher Buddies, & C-Track? Learn more HERE.

    Contact: Susan Grigg, 704.341.5356, sgrigg@calvarychurch.com





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    CancerCare Volunteers
    Support Ministry

    Calvary Support Ministry offers support to women in our congregation who are facing a cancer diagnosis or undergoing cancer treatment.

    If you are a female cancer survivor or healthcare professional with intimate knowledge of cancer, its symptoms, types of treatment, and some of its effects, please pray about joining our CancerCare team to encourage women with practical and spiritual support.

    Volunteers may assist with transportation needs, accompany them to doctor's appointments or hospital visits, and provide prayer support.

    Please contact Ines Portalatin-Brice, 704.341.5681, ipbrice@calvarychurch.com or Pastor Jim Pile at 704.341.5359 or jpile@calvarychurch.com to learn more about serving in this ministry.




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    Coach with CHAMP Sports
    Training Provided

    Interested in being a CHAMP coach? We offer seasonal youth leagues for soccer (ages 3–18), flag football (6–18), T-ball (5-6), baseball (7–8), and basketball (ages 5–18).

    Just three hours a week can make a huge impact on the lives of our CHAMP kids and families! No prior coaching experience is necessary, and training is provided!


    Visit the CHAMP website at champsportsinfo.com for full details and to register! 

    Contact: Kelly Lamb, 704.887.3689, klamb@calvarychurch.com

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    Childcare Opportunity
    During Women's Bible Studies
    Tuesday Mornings

    This team serves during Women's Bible Studies on Tuesdays9:00 AM to 12:30 PM, providing childcare for infants through age five and homeschool instruction for kindergarten through 5th-grade students. Workers are paid.

    A background check is required.

    Please contact Heather Melcher for details — 704.968.5219 or heatherleonall@yahoo.com

    Contact: Jennifer Sharpless, 704.341.5417, jsharpless@calvarychurch.com

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    Children's Bible Club Volunteers
    Awana, Gopher Buddies, C-Track
    Learn more about joining our team!

    Wednesdays, 6:30–8:00 PM
    September 11, 2024 – May 7, 2025
    (as scheduled)

    Our Children's Bible Clubs need many volunteers to join our ranks! Awana, Gopher Buddies, and C-Track meet on Wednesday evenings, 6:30–8:00 PM, throughout the school year.

    If you love the Lord Jesus and desire to help kids develop lifelong Bible knowledge, memorize Scripture verses, and learn to apply God's truth to their lives, please consider becoming part of our team.

    There are volunteer opportunities to serve as leaders or mentors for C-Track, T&T, Sparks, and Gopher Buddies. We also need  Activity & Game leaders, Tech Team, and Student Leaders-in-Training for Gopher Buddies and Sparks. Plus, we need Substitutes to fill in where needed. You may choose your area of service or club when you register below.

    To join our team, volunteers must have attended Calvary for at least six months. Background checks are required for ages 18+. Teens may serve as Leaders in Training (LIT) while participating in C-Track.


    Contact: Susan Grigg, Children’s Ministry Office, 704.341.5356, sgrigg@calvarychurch.com & Pastor Nathaniel Pearce, 704.341.5424, npearce@calvarychurch.com




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    ESL Volunteers
    Teachers & Assistants Needed

    Interested in serving in our English as a Second Language ministry? 

    We need teachers and assistants to provide a welcoming and high-quality ESL program to international students of all backgrounds who are interested in developing their English skills. Teachers must be Calvary members.

    Classes meet on Mondays and Thursdays, 9:00 AM–Noon, on a semester schedule: Fall, Winter, and Spring. 

    We invite you to join our ESL volunteer team! New volunteers should contact Pastor Sibu or Kelli about current serving opportunities.

    • Get more information about Calvary ESL classes HERE

    Contact: Pastor Sibu Rajappan, 704.341.5336, srajappan@calvarychurch.com or Kelli Van der Hoeven, ksvanderhoeven@gmail.com

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    Food Pantry Donations
    Replenish our shelves for those in need!

    The Calvary Food Pantry provides for families in need at Calvary and throughout our community. We need a wide variety of non-perishable grocery items to distribute at upcoming drive-thru events. Please donate foodstuffs packaged in boxes, cans, or plastic containers; no glass bottles or jars. We always need:

    Canned or Dried Beans & Peas
    Canned Vegetables of any variety
    Peanut Butter
    Canned Meat of any kind
    Canned Spaghetti Sauce

    You may drop off donations at Calvary at the Food Pantry cupboard at Entrance 1.

    We appreciate your generosity and support!

    Contacts: Sam Robinson, sammcdowell99@gmail.com & Pastor Andrew McIntyre, 704.341.5322, amcintyre@calvarychurch.com


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    Food Service & Hospitality

    Have a heart for hospitality? Calvary Food Service is looking for year-round help with table setting, buffet attendants, servers, preparation helpers, and dishwashers to support our many special ministry events. We are flexible and will work around your schedule. Day and evening opportunities are available. We'd love to have you join our team!

    Contact: Cathy Golden, Calvary Food Service, 704.887.3663, foodservice@calvarychurch.com

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    Good News Clubs
    Afternoons in public schools
    Join our team!

    Calvary partners with Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) to take the Bible into public elementary schools through Good News Clubs. These fun, fast-paced, after-school Bible studies introduce God's Word and the Gospel to kids in our community.

    As a volunteer, you will build relationships with the children, pray for them, help teach the Bible, and share the Gospel. 

    If you can commit at least two hours per week for six weeks during the fall and spring semesters, we need your help as a Bible teacher, assistant, or administrative helper.

    Please register below to learn more about how you can make an eternal difference in a child's life!


    Contacts: Pastor Cameron Engle, 704.887.3678, cengle@calvarychurch.com & Ines Portalatin-Brice, 704.341.5681, ipbrice@calvarychurch.com

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    Host Team Volunteers
    Ushers, Greeters, & Welcome Center
    Extend a warm Calvary welcome!

    Welcoming all for the glory of God! You can support the Calvary family by welcoming guests and attendees with a warm smile and gracious "Hello"! There are many ways to serve:
    • Greeters welcome everyone as they enter on Sundays and provide quick directions. 
    • Ushers guide people to available seating in the Sanctuary, answer questions about Calvary, and help with the offering, handouts, and other guest services as needed. Calvary membership is required.
    Typically, ushers and greeters are asked to arrive 45 minutes before worship services and concerts begin. We need additional volunteers for holiday services and events!
    • Welcome Center Hosts greet newcomers on Sundays after the 9:45 AM service, making first connections and giving guests Welcome Bag gifts. Calvary membership is required.

    • Welcome Team members serve flexible 3-4 hour shifts at Calvary during the week, welcoming visitors and ministry participants, guiding people to the café and prayer room, and answering questions. Register below to let us know your interest and availability to serve. We'll be in touch with more information! Calvary membership is required for the Welcome Team.


    Interested in serving with us? Reach out to our contacts below with any questions or for more information.

    Greeter & Welcome Center Contact: Pastor Jim Pile, 704.341.5359, jpile@calvarychurch.com

    Usher Contact: Malcolm Weeks, 704.607.5765, malcolm.weeks58@gmail.com

    Welcome Team Contact: Pastor Jim Cashwell, 704.341.5393, jcashwell@calvarychurch.com

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    Jail Ministry
    Local jail outreach
    Bible study teachers needed!

    Do you have a heart to share the Gospel? We need Calvary members to teach one-hour evening Bible studies for men or women in the Mecklenburg County Jail. Monthly opportunities are available. 

    Volunteers must complete the required orientation and training. Please contact Pastor Sibu or Ines Portalatin-Brice to schedule a meeting.

    Contact: Pastor Sibu Rajappan, 704.341.5336, srajappan@calvarychurch.com & Ines Portalatin-Brice, 704.341.5681, ipbrice@calvarychurch.com

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    Martha Ministry
    Help provide a meal at Calvary
    for bereaved families

    Do you have a heart for serving those who are grieving? 

    Our Martha Ministry team supports Calvary families by providing a meal at the church before or after the funeral of a family member. Volunteers are assigned to a team and serve three or four times per year by preparing a covered dish and delivering it to the church ready to serve.

    We need additional volunteers! Contact us to get involved!

    Ministry Coordinator: Dalene Ingle, 704.573.0491, digiolde@carolina.rr.com
    Administrative Coordinator: Dianne Miller, miller1994@aol.com
    Jennifer Sharpless, 704.341.5417, jsharpless@calvarychurch.com

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    Parking Lot Volunteers
    Help with Sunday traffic

    During the Reach Welcome Grow building expansion, the Calvary deacons need additional help on Sundays with directing traffic and greeting guests in our parking lots.

    If you have experience or are willing to learn, please contact Chris Eddings at christophereddings@gmail.com.

    Contact: Pastor Jim Pile, 704.341.5359, jpile@calvarychurch.com

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    Calvary Prison Ministry
    Outreach to area prison inmates
    Bible Study leaders needed!

    Calvary Prison Ministry provides volunteers with opportunities to share the Gospel and pray with inmates at the Kirkland Correctional Institution in Columbia, SC, and the Kershaw Correctional Institution in Lancaster County, SC.

    We have an ongoing ministry through the chaplains at these facilities.

    Current Opportunity:

    • We need men to lead Bible studies at Kershaw Correctional Institution every Tuesday from 2:00–3:30 PM.

    To serve in the prison, all volunteers must be Calvary members, attend an orientation, and undergo a thorough background check at least four weeks in advance.

    Kershaw Correctional Institution
    4848 Gold Mine Hwy
    Kershaw, SC 29067

    Contact: Pastor Sibu Rajappan, 704.341.5336, srajappan@calvarychurch.com & Ines Portalatin-Brice, 704.341.5681, ipbrice@calvarychurch.com



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    Rebound Men's Recovery 
    Lead a monthly men's Bible study

    In partnership with Charlotte Rescue Mission, Calvary needs men to teach Bible studies at the Rebound Recovery program on the first Thursday of every month from 7:00–8:00 PM. 

    Rebound Recovery
    907 W. 1st Street 
    Charlotte, NC  28202

    Please contact Pastor Sibu to learn how you can make an eternal impact in these men's lives!

    Contact:  Pastor Sibu Rajappan, 704.341.5336, srajappan@calvarychurch.com

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    Senior Adults Telecare

    Be an encouragement to our senior adults by making regular phone calls through our Senior Telecare ministry. Callers share Scripture and pray with people over the phone. A great opportunity for those with a flexible schedule!

    Contact: Pastor Jim Pile, 704.341.5359, jpile@calvarychurch.com

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    Calvary Street Ministry
    Saturday Breakfast Uptown

    Calvary Street Ministry volunteers serve a full breakfast to hundreds of our homeless neighbors in Uptown Charlotte every Saturday from 7:30 to 11:00 AM.

    Our team always needs new volunteers to help prepare food in the Calvary kitchen. We also need a crew to deliver and serve meals at the Homeless Resource Center (Hal Marshall Annex), located at 618 N. College Street.

    To volunteer, contact Pastor Andrew McIntyre or Ines Portalatin-Brice.

    Contact: Pastor Andrew McIntyre, 704.341.5322, amcintyre@calvarychurch.com & Ines Portalatin-Brice, 704.341.5681, ipbrice@calvarychurch.com 

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    Student Ministry Leaders
    Learn more about our team!  

    Do you have a passion for making a difference in the lives of the next generation? Consider volunteering with our Student Ministry team. As our ministry grows, there are many opportunities to serve!

    Sunday PM Event Volunteers

    Selected Sundays during the school year, 5:30–7:30 PM
    Locations include the CLC/Gym/Fields

    • Student Ministry offers a fellowship and outreach event during selected Sunday evening worship services each month. Students participate in a short devotion and enjoy organized games and competitions, usually planned around a fun theme. Responsible adult volunteers help activities run smoothly and monitor crowd control. We need more volunteers to support this fun outreach time!

    IGNITE Small Group Leaders

    Wednesdays during the school year, 6:30–8:00 PM
    In the Calvary Life Center

    • In this role, you will guide a weekly conversation with a group of students and help them apply truths from the message at IGNITE. We provide discussion questions beforehand to help you. You’ll need to spend about 30 minutes reviewing the Scripture passages and questions each week. The small group time lasts about 20 minutes. A short training is provided.

    Student Life Group Leaders

    Sundays year-round, 11:15 AM–12:30 PM
    In the Calvary Life Center

    • Adults who feel called to disciple students are encouraged to teach a Student Life Group. This role requires an hour or two of preparation each week, studying the curriculum and Bible lessons. Most SLG teaching schedules are set so that leaders may still attend an Adult Life Group regularly. Mandatory training is provided.

    In each of these roles, your ministry is to share God's love and model a Christ-transformed life as you care about Calvary students and build relationships with them. The hours you invest will have an eternal impact! 

    Volunteers must have attended Calvary for at least six months, be Calvary Church members, complete the training and approval process, and pass a background check. 

    Please let us know if you're interested! 

    Pastor Cameron Engle, High School, 704.887.3678, cengle@calvarychurch.com
    Pastor Micah Burdett, Middle School, 704.341.5327, mburdett@calvarychurch.com




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    Tech Team
    Providing audio & video support

    It takes a great volunteer team of sound, lighting, and video technicians working together to produce our worship services and support the many ministry events throughout the week at Calvary. 

    We can train you to operate the audio consoles, operate cameras, run the video switcher, use presentation software, and run the lighting console. If you have an interest and aptitude in these areas, please contact us about current opportunities.

    Contact: Brian Harrison, 704.341.5463, bharrison@calvarychurch.com