<p>Women&#39;s Ministry<br />
<em>Get connected at Calvary!</em></p>
Women's Ministry
Get connected at Calvary!

Women's Ministry

At Calvary, women are serious about their faith and growing as an active and inclusive community. Our desire is to provide opportunities where you can grow closer to the Lord and connect on a regular basis.

Women of all ages come together through weekly Adult Life Groups, Women’s Bible Studies, events, prayer ministry, and serving opportunities. Please see below for details. We’d love to have you join us! 

Questions? Contacts: Pastor Jim Pile, 704.341.5359, jpile@calvarychurch.com & Jennifer Sharpless, 704.341.5417, jsharpless@calvarychurch.com

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    Women's Winter Bible Studies
    Tuesdays, January 7 – March 11
    AM & PM options

    Are you looking for an opportunity to connect? Are you ready to study God’s Word in a deeper, more meaningful way? Check out our winter Women’s Bible Studies! At Calvary, you’ll find a place to grow spiritually and connect with friends. Newcomers are always welcome!

    Tuesdays: January 7 – March 11

    Morning Classes: 9:30 AM–Noon
    Evening Class: 7:00–9:00 PM
    (Zoom only)

    Our kick-off meeting will be on Tuesday, January 7, at 8:45 AM in the Crown Room. Please join us!

    Please sign up for your class on January 7 at Calvary. Online pre-registration is now closed.

    Questions? Please contact Jennifer Sharpless at 704.341.5417 or jsharpless@calvarychurch.com.

    Tuesday Morning Classes


    Job: LifeChange Bible Study (continuation from last semester)
    by The Navigators
    Teacher:  Alison Eddings  |  Room 241 & Zoom

    Suffering is not a foreign concept to the woman of God! Whether we have endured suffering, will endure suffering, or walk alongside someone who is suffering, our lives are not shielded from heartache because we are Christ-followers. Join us as we study and apply God’s truth from the book of Job — his grief, hope, and ultimately his humble deference to the will of God. We’ll come to trust and love God more deeply and learn to comfort others in their time of need as we’ve been comforted through our sufferings. Cost: $8

    Growing Together — Women of Purpose
    by Melissa B. Kruger
    Teacher:  Angie Hyman & Bonnie Williams  |  Room 227

    We, as Christian women, need one another. This study on spiritual mentoring explores ten specific ways for younger believers and more mature Christians to grow together through intentional discipleship and accountability.  Complementing this book study, we will also study truths the Apostle Paul passes along to his “son in the faith” in I and II Timothy. The Women of Purpose class comprises group discussion, teaching, and discipleship. All ages are welcome! Cost: $13

    Haggai, Malachi, & Zechariah
    by Kathleen Nielson
    Teacher: Jan Adams  |  Room 234 & Zoom

    Through the messages of God's prophets to the Jews, we'll gain insights into God’s nature and expectations for His people, both then and now. However, this study is not just for gaining information but also for growing spiritually. These ancient words mirror our struggles, revealing how believers today can fall into the same sins that ensnared ancient Israel. Join us for an in-depth discussion of these timeless messages that will challenge us to examine our lives, apply God’s truth personally, and be ready for the return of the Messiah. Cost: $12 

    1 Samuel — Precept Upon Precept
    by Kay Arthur
    Teacher: Jackie Schaffer  |  Room 226 & Zoom

    Join us as we marvel at the miracle of the prophet Samuel’s birth, and listen as he hears the still, small voice of God, calling him into a profound ministry. We'll continue to be amazed as Samuel serves the Lord in His search for “a man after His own heart! Cost: $22

    The I AM Statements of Jesus
    by Dr. David Jeremiah
    Teacher: Rometa Arrington  | Room 222 & Zoom

    This in-depth study on the seven powerful “I AM” statements made by Jesus from the gospel of John. We will learn and understand who Jesus is and why it matters that He is who He says He is. As we journey through the Gospel of John, we will grow in our knowledge and understanding of our Lord and His mission. Be encouraged and blessed by God’s enduring love and ongoing provision for His children. He is the Great I AM! Cost: $10

    The Coming Golden Age
    by Dr. David Jeremiah
    Teacher: Mary Beth Hohman  |  Banquet Room & Zoom

    The Millennium — the thousand-year reign of Christ on earth — occurs after the rapture of the Church and the seven-year tribulation but before the creation of the new heaven and the new earth, where believers will live eternally. In this study, Dr. David Jeremiah pulls back the veil of mystery and misinformation about the Millennium to give thoughtful, biblical illustrations of what life will be like when Christ the King rules upon the earth. Take this fascinating tour of our remarkable future life with the coming Golden Age and see how our understanding and response to the Millennium will transform our lives today. Cost: $10

    MOMS — Making Our Mothering Significant
    Semon on the Mount
    (Revised 2024)
    by Jen Wilkin
    Teacher: Betty Farynyk |  Room 240

    At the end of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus says that everyone who hears these words of His and does them would be like a wise man who built his house (his life) on a rock. Join us to learn these astonishing practical and relevant truths so that you might live wisely as a "kingdom of heaven citizen on earth" and teach your children to live wisely also. Class time will include discussion, video, prayer, testimonies, fellowship, and connection with a mentor mom in the Titus 2 model. Cost: $24

    Tuesday Evening Class


    The Coming Golden Age
    by Dr. David Jeremiah
    Teacher: Mary Beth Hohman  |  Zoom Only

    The Millennium — the thousand-year reign of Christ on earth — occurs after the rapture of the Church and the seven-year tribulation but before the creation of the new heaven and the new earth, where believers will live eternally. In this study, Dr. David Jeremiah pulls back the veil of mystery and misinformation about the Millennium to give thoughtful, biblical illustrations of what life will be like when Christ the King rules upon the earth. Take this fascinating tour of our remarkable future life with the coming Golden Age and see how our understanding and response to the Millennium will transform our lives today. Please order your own study book.

    Childcare Information — AM Only

    Weekly check-in for childcare/homeschool classes is located at the Family Welcome Desk near the elevators. 


    • Free childcare is provided for infants through age five during MORNING CLASSES ONLY. Children must be pre-registered online by January 2 to receive childcare. Be sure to sign up for childcare when you register for your class. Our program includes Bible story time, crafts, coloring, outdoor play as weather permits, and snacks. Space is limited! 


    • We offer a class for homeschooled students in kindergarten through 5th grade. Children must be pre-registered to attend. Each week, we provide a biblical theme and message with lessons on science, literature, history, or art. There is a $10 fee per child per semester and a maximum of $30 per family per semester. Space is limited!

    Contacts: Pastor Jim Pile, 704.341.5359, jpile@calvarychurch.com
    Jennifer Sharpless, 704.341.5417, jsharpless@calvarychurch.com

    Bible Studies: Nancy Hunt, 704.617.7235, nshunt@windstream.net
    Childcare: Heather Melcher, 704.968.5219, heatherleonall@yahoo.com






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    Widows Ministry
    Bible Study, Fellowship & Outreach

    Inspiring Hope is a ministry group for widows at Calvary and the community. We hold monthly meetings on Zoom, in-person fellowships, and outreach projects throughout the year. 

    Whether you are recently widowed or have journeyed for some time as a widow, please join us for encouraging Bible devotionals, prayer, and a community of women who care!

    Our study this fall will be The Strength You Need: The Twelve Great Strength Passages of the Bible by Robert J. Morgan. 

    Here's our monthly meeting schedule:

    • First Friday Zoom, 6:007:30 PM 
      We meet virtually to share Twelve Great Strength passages from the Bible and pray together.
    • Second Saturday Brunch, 10:30 AM–12:30 PM 
      Join us to share a meal at a restaurant or in a home.
    • Monthly Outreach, 11:00 AM1:00 PM 
      We'll meet at Calvary to write notes, plan home visitation, or do special outreach projects.
    • Third/Fourth Thursday Fellowship, 11:00 AM1:30 PM 
      As a group, we will attend the scheduled Organ Concerts and Senior Adult Luncheons at Calvary.

    Contact Donna Bridges at 704.301.5991 to receive the book, Zoom meeting credentials, and monthly activities schedule.

    Contact: Jennifer Sharpless, 704.341.5417, jsharpless@calvarychurch.com




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    CancerCare for Women
    Support Ministry
    for those facing cancer

    Calvary Support Ministry offers support to women in our congregation who are facing a cancer diagnosis or undergoing treatment.

    If you are a cancer patient and desire support from one of our CancerCare volunteers, please let us know.

    Our knowledgeable team is ready to offer practical and spiritual support. We can help with transportation needs, accompany you to doctor's appointments or hospital visits, assist with meals, and provide prayer support.

    Please complete the sign-up form below, and our Support Ministry Coordinator, Ines Portalatin-Brice, will personally reach out to you.

    CancerCare Signup

    Volunteer Opportunity — If you are a female cancer survivor or healthcare professional with intimate knowledge of cancer, its symptoms, types of treatment, and some of its effects, please pray about joining our CancerCare team to encourage women with practical and spiritual support. LEARN MORE

    Contacts: Ines Portalatin-Brice, 704.341.5681, ipbrice@calvarychurch.com & Pastor Jim Pile, 704.341.5359, jpile@calvarychurch.com



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    Martha Ministry
    Help provide a meal at Calvary
    for bereaved families

    Do you have a heart for serving those who are grieving? 

    Our Martha Ministry team supports Calvary families by providing a meal at the church before or after the funeral of a family member. Volunteers are assigned to a team and serve three or four times per year by preparing a covered dish and delivering it to the church ready to serve.

    We need additional volunteers! Contact us to get involved!

    Ministry Coordinator: Dalene Ingle, 704.573.0491, digiolde@carolina.rr.com
    Administrative Coordinator: Dianne Miller, miller1994@aol.com
    Jennifer Sharpless, 704.341.5417, jsharpless@calvarychurch.com