<p>Weekly Bible Studies<br />
Elective Courses and<br />
Groups for Men &amp; Women</p>
Weekly Bible Studies
Elective Courses and
Groups for Men & Women

Bible Studies

Learn and grow with us! Calvary offers a wide variety of Bible studies to help you grow in your knowledge of God’s Word in ways that make a difference in your life. Whether you’re a new believer, a long-time follower of Christ, or just curious to learn more, join us!

Elective courses meet on Wednesday evenings in the fall, winter, and spring. Newcomers are always welcome!

Small group Bible studies for women meet on Tuesday mornings and evenings. Several men's studies are offered throughout the year. Check out the details below.

Adult Life Groups (ALGs) meet to study God’s Word, pray, and share the joys and challenges of life. We have options for all ages, stages of life, and special interests. Click HERE to browse all of our ALGs!

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    Spring Elective Bible Studies
    Wednesdays, April 2 – May 7
    6:30–8:00 PM
    Register now!

    Wednesdays, April 2 – May 7

    6:30–8:00 PM

    Join us on Wednesday evenings this spring for four weeks to dive into God’s Word! (There’s no class during Spring Break, April 16 & 23.)

    Expect to grow in your knowledge and understanding of the Bible and to be challenged to apply biblical truth to your life! 

    Our Wednesday evening schedule coordinates with Fellowship Dinner, IGNITE for students, Awana & Gopher Buddies for kids, Nursery (please register), Special Needs, and Worship Ministry rehearsal. There’s something for everyone! 

    Please register below by noon on April 2 or sign in at your first class.


    An Overview of Romans
    With Pastor Rob Reece
    Banquet Room

    The epistle to the Romans has been called “Paul’s magnum opus” and “the cathedral of the Christian faith.” In this letter, Paul not only presents the Gospel but also deals with a host of topics, including original sin, total depravity, justification, sanctification, the righteousness of God, and the supremacy and sufficiency of Christ. Explore this theologically rich letter and learn how to apply its truths in the Christian life.

    Deepening the Roots of Your Parenting
    with Pastor Nathaniel Pearce
    Room 402

    Godly parenting is like a tree with roots that are always growing deeper and wider into the soil of God’s Word. Like trees, parents who choose not to grow in their parenting are more vulnerable to the storms and high winds of life’s trials. Join us to learn biblical principles that will deepen your parenting roots!

    Knowing God Through the Minor Prophets, Part 3
    with Pastor Sibu Rajappan
    Room 1200

    The books of the minor prophets are rich in their theology, and they paint a beautiful picture of our great God. Their profound messages give us insight into God’s heart for His people and the world. Join us as we study the themes and messages of Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi to learn wonderful truths about God and how to apply them in your life today!

    A Survey of the New Testament, Part 2
    with Pastor Jim Pile
    Room 401

    How well do you know your Bible? One of the goals of the apostle Paul was “to make the word of God fully known” (Colossians 1:25). We should have the same goal! We will learn key themes, passages, and lessons from Titus through Revelation to better equip you to be an “ambassador for Christ” (2 Corinthians 5:20).

    His Unfailing Promises
    With Miguel Gonzalez
    Room 445

    There is Someone we can always count on — our eternal God! He will never fail us, even when we are struggling in life. Even when fear and doubt threaten our faith. Even when we feel empty and alone. Even when the walls around us are caving in. God stands ever near, ready to forgive us. He will teach us how to regain strength and confidently walk life’s road again. Join this study of God’s unfailing promises.

    The Book of Jude
    With Tim Donelli
    Room 446

    With apostasy running rampant in the church, the Book of Jude is important for all Christians. Jude is the only book of the Bible devoted entirely to the issue of false teachers. It urges us to be discerning and to earnestly contend for the faith. The class will take four weeks to study all 25 verses with depth and clarity. Join us and put into action Jude's plea to earnestly contend for the faith!

    Spanish Bible Study: Deuteronomy, Part 2
    with Bill Ogden
    Room 242

    Deuteronomy serves as the constitution of the nation of Israel, touching on both civic and religious life. We will find many examples of God’s values for society. This interactive group is taught in Spanish without translation. 

    Wednesday Night Prayer
    with Bob Lanning
    Calvary Prayer Room

    Feel free to join us on Wednesday evenings. During this time, we will pray for each other, Calvary Church, our community, our nation, and the world. We meet continually throughout the year.

    Contacts: Pastor Rob Reece, rreece@calvarychurch.com & Helen Stewart, 704.341.5328, hstewart@calvarychurch.com

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    Winter Elective Bible Studies
    Wednesdays, 6:30–8:00 PM
    Module 2 meets through March 26

    Join us on Wednesdays

    6:30–8:00 PM

    Are you truly growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ? Are you open to what God is teaching you? We invite you to grow in your knowledge and understanding of the Bible and apply biblical truth to your life. Be part of an elective Bible study on Wednesdays at Calvary!

    Our Wednesday evening schedule coordinates with Fellowship Dinner, IGNITE for students, Awana & Gopher Buddies for kids, Nursery (please register), Special Needs, and Worship Ministry rehearsal. There’s something for everyone! 

    MODULE 2: February 19 – March 26 (five sessions with a break for Missions Conference)

    • Online registration has closed. But you may join a class anytime; just sign in when you arrive.

    Check out the course descriptions below and sign in for your first class.

    Elective Courses 

    Navigating the Bible (11–week class)
    Pastor Rob Reece  |  Banquet Room

    This class will help participants better understand and apply the Word of God. We will look at key chapters, themes, events, covenants, and the story of redemption culminating in Christ. The class will benefit those interested in teaching or serving as an elder or deacon, as it will prepare you for the required Bible examination. Come and gain more confidence in your Bible knowledge and theology.

    A Survey of the New Testament (Modules 1 & 2)
    Pastor Jim Pile  |  Room 401

    How well do you know your Bible? One of the goals of the Apostle Paul was “to make the word of God fully known” (Colossians 1:25). We should have the same goal! This class will help you learn key themes, passages, and lessons from each New Testament book and equip you to be an “ambassador for Christ” (2 Corinthians 5:20).

    Cults: Their Attraction and the Antidote of Sound Doctrine (Modules 1 & 2)
    Pastor Nathaniel Pearce  |  Room 402

    The community of cults has a significant attraction and stronghold on an increasing number of people today. Yet many who follow a cult have very little understanding of the embedded belief system and associated dangers. Do you have a family member, friend, or neighbor trapped in the clutches of a cult? Can you employ sound doctrine to defend the faith or help unshackle someone wrapped up in the cults? Join our study and learn to stand your ground in God’s Word. 

    Paul’s Letter to the Galatians (Modules 1 & 2)
    Pastor Jim Cashwell  |  Room 136

    What does it mean to “live free”? As Americans, we think of the liberty we have purchased for us by those who came before us. What about as a believer? What does it mean to live free? Believers in the Lord Jesus Christ share a liberty we have purchased by our Savior, Jesus Christ. A believer’s liberty is granted the day we accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of our life, but learning to live free takes an understanding of the cost of freedom and the responsibility of that freedom. Join us as we study Paul’s letter to the Galatians. Paul spells out for the Galatians and us today the cost of liberty and how to live freely. 

    Knowing God through Minor Prophets (Part II) (Modules 1 & 2)
    Pastor Sibu Rajappan  |  Room 1200

    In Part II of this course, we will focus on the themes and messages of Jonah, Micah, Nahum, and Habakkuk. Although called the minor prophets, the twelve minor prophets are profound in their theology and beautifully paint radiant pictures of our great God and His heart for His people and the world. Join us to learn rich truths about God and how to apply them in your life today!

    Understanding a Biblical Worldview (Modules 1 & 2)
    Chuck Robinson  |  Room 227

    We live in a world where a biblical worldview is often challenged, ridiculed, and increasingly prohibited. This has caused many to compromise the truths of the Scripture to not only avoid confrontation but also to stay relevant. In this elective, we’ll learn the components of a biblical worldview, consider the Scriptural support for these components, and learn how to use a biblical worldview to explain our faith and have productive interactions with others.  

    Standing Firm in the Armor of God (Modules 1 & 2)
    Nick Illuminati  |  Room 445

    The call to put on the armor of God is not a passive invitation but an order to be obeyed. This study of Ephesians 6:10–18 will explore what it means to “be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.” We will learn to be equipped with spiritual armor far superior to any worldly defense or strategy. As we consider examples of the faithful throughout Scripture, we’ll uncover a resolve to stand firm — not motivated by personal honor or gain but rooted in a heart set on serving and glorifying God. 

    Gospel Engagement (Module 1 only)
    Pastor Andrew McIntyre & Joshua Erlien | Room 200

    As believers, we know we are to follow Jesus’ Great Commission to make disciples everywhere we go, but we often feel paralyzed when presented with opportunities to share the Gospel. In this class, you'll be equipped to use apologetic tools to share the Gospel gently and respectfully with those you encounter. This class will mix theory and practice, culminating with a Go2Proclaim Saturday outing, where we will join Pastor Sibu and his team, sharing the Gospel and putting our knowledge to work in the Charlotte community.

    Holiness in an Unholy World (Module 2 only) — COURSE POSTPONED

    Spanish Bible Study: Deuteronomy, Part 2 (11–week class)
    Bill Ogden  |  Room 242

    Deuteronomy 16–30 serves as the constitution of the nation of Israel, touching on civic and religious life. We will find many examples of God’s values for society. (This class is taught in Spanish with no translation.)

    Prayer Group

    Wednesday Night Prayer
    Bob Lanning  |  NEW! Prayer Room

    You’re invited to join us each Wednesday evening for prayer. We pray for each other, Calvary Church, our community, nation, and world. We meet continually throughout the year.

    Contacts: Pastor Rob Reece, 704.887.3696, rreece@calvarychurch.com & Helen Stewart, 704.341.5328, hstewart@calvarychurch.com




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    Women's Spring Bible Studies
    Tuesdays, April 1 – May 20
    Register now!

    Tuesdays, April 1 – May 20

    Morning Classes  |  9:30 AM–Noon
    Evening Class  |  7:00–9:00 PM

    Ladies, check out our new spring Bible studies! These six-week classes are a great way to grow spiritually and connect with friends. Newcomers are always welcome! (There's no class during Spring Break, April 15 & 22.)

    Please pre-register below so we can prepare for you. Books will be distributed in the first class, and Zoom participants will receive log-in information from the instructor.

    AM Class Registration

    PM Class Registration

    • Pre-registered participants may go directly to their classrooms.
    • Walk-in participants may register at the 2nd-floor elevator landing before class time. 

    Tuesday Morning Classes

    Parenting With Hope: Raising Teens for Christ in a Secular Age
    by Melissa B. Kruger
    Teacher: Betty Farynyk & Nita Erlien | Room 240 (in person only)

    Join us to prepare for the unique challenges of parenting adolescents! In this study, we'll anchor our hopes and expectations in Christ — the true source of wisdom, strength, contentment, and fruitful parenting. Integrating sound biblical teaching, insights from developmental experts, and her experiences as a teacher and mother, author Melissa Kruger will guide us through today’s most common concerns so we can understand how to build up and bless our teens in God-honoring ways. This class also applies to moms with younger children and will include discussion, fellowship, and prayer. Cost: $22 (Please purchase both Hardcover Book & Study Guide.)

    2 Samuel 
    A Precept Upon Precept Study
    by Kay Arthur

    Teacher: Jackie Schaffer | Room 226 & Zoom

    For those who long to grow closer to God, join us as we study David, a “man after God’s own heart.” We'll see him ascend to the throne and then descend into sin. But our faithful and loving God turns David's great sin to a victorious finish. Cost: $22

    Women of the Word — Women of Purpose
    by Jen Wilkin
    Teacher: Angie Hyman | Room 227 (in person only)

    This study will help us go deeper into the Word of God without being seminary-educated or even an especially good student. During this session, we will look at five different study methods: Purpose, Perspective, Patience, Process, and Prayer. This class is open to all ages and will incorporate group discussion time as we apply these study methods to a particular book of the Bible. Cost: $8

    He Speaks to Me: Preparing To Hear From God
    by Priscilla Shirer
    Teacher: Rometa Arrington | Room 222 & Zoom

    When we approach God humbly and bow down before Him, we put ourselves in a position to hear from Him. Are you longing to hear God's voice but feeling disconnected? Let’s journey together and examine how God spoke to Samuel, Moses, Joshua, Jesus’s disciples, and many others — and how He speaks to Christians today. God is going to reveal Himself and His plan for you. Let’s commit to being obedient to whatever He says. The results will be glorious! This is a seven-lesson class. Cost: $25

    Tuesday Evening Class

    Praying the Names of Jesus 
    by Ann Spangler
    Teacher: Cheri Strahm | Room 242 & Zoom

    Would you love to have a richer and deeper relationship with Jesus? This course will focus on some of His names in Scripture, names we don’t often study but need to learn. Why is Jesus called the Lamb of God and the Lion of Judah? What does the Bible mean when it says Jesus is the Cornerstone? How can we give Him free rein to be the Prince of Peace in our daily lives? These and other names for Jesus will be part of our classroom study and a daily devotional time offered in Spangler’s book. Allow God to draw you closer to His Son and learn to pray His name with confidence and deeper commitment to Him. Cost: $14

    Morning Childcare

    CHILDCARE — AM only
    Childcare is free for children (infants through age 5); you MUST PREREGISTER for childcare. Our program includes weekly Bible storytime, crafts, coloring, outdoor play as weather permits, and snacks.

    We offer a class for homeschooled students (K–5th grade); students MUST BE PREREGISTERED to participate. Each week, we provide a biblical theme and message and incorporate lessons on science, literature, history, or art. Space is limited. There is a $10 fee per child/semester to cover supplies, with a maximum of $30 per family/semester.

    Children should be checked in at the Family Welcome Desk near the elevators. Then, drop off and pick up children at their assigned classrooms. 

    Contacts: Pastor Jim Pile, 704.341.5359, jpile@calvarychurch.com
    Jennifer Sharpless, 704.341.5417, jsharpless@calvarychurch.com

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    Women's Winter Bible Studies
    Tuesdays, January 7 – March 11
    AM & PM options

    Are you looking for an opportunity to connect? Are you ready to study God’s Word in a deeper, more meaningful way? Check out our winter Women’s Bible Studies! At Calvary, you’ll find a place to grow spiritually and connect with friends. Newcomers are always welcome!

    Tuesdays: January 7 – March 11

    Morning Classes: 9:30 AM–Noon
    Evening Class: 7:00–9:00 PM
    (Zoom only)

    Our kick-off meeting will be on Tuesday, January 7, at 8:45 AM in the Crown Room. Please join us!

    Please sign up for your class on January 7 at Calvary. Online pre-registration is now closed.

    Questions? Please contact Jennifer Sharpless at 704.341.5417 or jsharpless@calvarychurch.com.

    Tuesday Morning Classes


    Job: LifeChange Bible Study (continuation from last semester)
    by The Navigators
    Teacher:  Alison Eddings  |  Room 241 & Zoom

    Suffering is not a foreign concept to the woman of God! Whether we have endured suffering, will endure suffering, or walk alongside someone who is suffering, our lives are not shielded from heartache because we are Christ-followers. Join us as we study and apply God’s truth from the book of Job — his grief, hope, and ultimately his humble deference to the will of God. We’ll come to trust and love God more deeply and learn to comfort others in their time of need as we’ve been comforted through our sufferings. Cost: $8

    Growing Together — Women of Purpose
    by Melissa B. Kruger
    Teacher:  Angie Hyman & Bonnie Williams  |  Room 227

    We, as Christian women, need one another. This study on spiritual mentoring explores ten specific ways for younger believers and more mature Christians to grow together through intentional discipleship and accountability.  Complementing this book study, we will also study truths the Apostle Paul passes along to his “son in the faith” in I and II Timothy. The Women of Purpose class comprises group discussion, teaching, and discipleship. All ages are welcome! Cost: $13

    Haggai, Malachi, & Zechariah
    by Kathleen Nielson
    Teacher: Jan Adams  |  Room 234 & Zoom

    Through the messages of God's prophets to the Jews, we'll gain insights into God’s nature and expectations for His people, both then and now. However, this study is not just for gaining information but also for growing spiritually. These ancient words mirror our struggles, revealing how believers today can fall into the same sins that ensnared ancient Israel. Join us for an in-depth discussion of these timeless messages that will challenge us to examine our lives, apply God’s truth personally, and be ready for the return of the Messiah. Cost: $12 

    1 Samuel — Precept Upon Precept
    by Kay Arthur
    Teacher: Jackie Schaffer  |  Room 226 & Zoom

    Join us as we marvel at the miracle of the prophet Samuel’s birth, and listen as he hears the still, small voice of God, calling him into a profound ministry. We'll continue to be amazed as Samuel serves the Lord in His search for “a man after His own heart! Cost: $22

    The I AM Statements of Jesus
    by Dr. David Jeremiah
    Teacher: Rometa Arrington  | Room 222 & Zoom

    This in-depth study on the seven powerful “I AM” statements made by Jesus from the gospel of John. We will learn and understand who Jesus is and why it matters that He is who He says He is. As we journey through the Gospel of John, we will grow in our knowledge and understanding of our Lord and His mission. Be encouraged and blessed by God’s enduring love and ongoing provision for His children. He is the Great I AM! Cost: $10

    The Coming Golden Age
    by Dr. David Jeremiah
    Teacher: Mary Beth Hohman  |  Banquet Room & Zoom

    The Millennium — the thousand-year reign of Christ on earth — occurs after the rapture of the Church and the seven-year tribulation but before the creation of the new heaven and the new earth, where believers will live eternally. In this study, Dr. David Jeremiah pulls back the veil of mystery and misinformation about the Millennium to give thoughtful, biblical illustrations of what life will be like when Christ the King rules upon the earth. Take this fascinating tour of our remarkable future life with the coming Golden Age and see how our understanding and response to the Millennium will transform our lives today. Cost: $10

    MOMS — Making Our Mothering Significant
    Semon on the Mount
    (Revised 2024)
    by Jen Wilkin
    Teacher: Betty Farynyk |  Room 240

    At the end of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus says that everyone who hears these words of His and does them would be like a wise man who built his house (his life) on a rock. Join us to learn these astonishing practical and relevant truths so that you might live wisely as a "kingdom of heaven citizen on earth" and teach your children to live wisely also. Class time will include discussion, video, prayer, testimonies, fellowship, and connection with a mentor mom in the Titus 2 model. Cost: $24

    Tuesday Evening Class


    The Coming Golden Age
    by Dr. David Jeremiah
    Teacher: Mary Beth Hohman  |  Zoom Only

    The Millennium — the thousand-year reign of Christ on earth — occurs after the rapture of the Church and the seven-year tribulation but before the creation of the new heaven and the new earth, where believers will live eternally. In this study, Dr. David Jeremiah pulls back the veil of mystery and misinformation about the Millennium to give thoughtful, biblical illustrations of what life will be like when Christ the King rules upon the earth. Take this fascinating tour of our remarkable future life with the coming Golden Age and see how our understanding and response to the Millennium will transform our lives today. Please order your own study book.

    Childcare Information — AM Only

    Weekly check-in for childcare/homeschool classes is located at the Family Welcome Desk near the elevators. 


    • Free childcare is provided for infants through age five during MORNING CLASSES ONLY. Children must be pre-registered online by January 2 to receive childcare. Be sure to sign up for childcare when you register for your class. Our program includes Bible story time, crafts, coloring, outdoor play as weather permits, and snacks. Space is limited! 


    • We offer a class for homeschooled students in kindergarten through 5th grade. Children must be pre-registered to attend. Each week, we provide a biblical theme and message with lessons on science, literature, history, or art. There is a $10 fee per child per semester and a maximum of $30 per family per semester. Space is limited!

    Contacts: Pastor Jim Pile, 704.341.5359, jpile@calvarychurch.com
    Jennifer Sharpless, 704.341.5417, jsharpless@calvarychurch.com

    Bible Studies: Nancy Hunt, 704.617.7235, nshunt@windstream.net
    Childcare: Heather Melcher, 704.968.5219, heatherleonall@yahoo.com






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    Men's Bible Studies
    Mondays & Tuesdays AM & PM

    Calvary men’s Bible study groups meet weekly throughout the year. Grow in your knowledge of God’s Word and enjoy accountability, connection, and fellowship. Newcomers are always welcome! 

    Monday Morning Studies

    1 & 2 Thessalonians and Jude
    Mondays, 6:30–7:30 AM  |  January 20 – April 14
    Conference Room A & Zoom

    Tom Miller

    We will study three New Testament letters: 1 & 2 Thessalonians and the book of Jude. These letters share common themes: stay the course, don’t wander from the truth, and cling to the hope of knowing that Christ is coming soon. Join us! This is a 13-week course with weekly lesson plans.  


    Mondays, 7:00–8:00 AM  |  March – November
    Room 242 & Zoom

    David Dafoe & Ralph Weitz

    In March, we will launch a study of Paul’s letter to the Romans, often called the "Constitution of Christianity." The apostle lays out the Gospel as the revelation of the righteousness of God in Christ and gives us applications for a Christ-centered life. We will use the Navigator Romans (LifeChange) study guide. This study guide is available on Amazon and in the Word Room at a discount. Join us and be blessed!

    Tuesday Morning Studies

    Seeing Christ in Ezekiel
    Tuesdays, 7:00–8:00 AM  |  January 7 – May 20

    Welcome Center & Zoom
    Dr. Terrill Nelson & Phil Comstock

    Ezekiel was a young priest in Jerusalem when he was carried away from Jerusalem as a POW by the Babylonians into the internment camps in Mesopotamia. His world was in turmoil. God called Ezekiel, the prophet, to preach among unrepentant Jewish exiles who’d stubbornly refused to accept responsibility for their national sin. What a mess! With bizarre visions, strange object lessons, and mysterious teachings, we’ll study how God used Ezekiel to prophesy poignant lessons not only for a fifth-century BC Israel but also for us today.

    Required Text Book:  The book will be available through the Calvary office or from Amazon or christianbook.com — Exalting Jesus in Ezekiel (Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary series)

    Overview of the Books of the Bible
    Tuesdays, 6:30–7:30 AM  |  January 7 – May 20
    Chick-Fil-A Stonecrest

    Jeff Arrington & Sy Pugh

    Join us as we study the Word of God from “In the Beginning” in Genesis 1:1 to “Amen” in Revelation 22:21. Since we are exploring the bible consecutively, book by book, you can register any time and pick it up wherever you are. This semester, we are starting with Leviticus. We will use a study guide, Bible Workbook and Guide by Brian Gugas. You may purchase your copy HERE.  

    Tuesday Evening Study

    Minor Prophets 1
    Tuesdays, 7:00–9:00 PM  |  January 7 – May 20
    Zoom Only

    Wayne Hackbarth, Jon Keil & Dave Clarke

    The minor prophets of the Old Testament have distinctive messages about the future of Israel and the kingdom of God. Our study will include Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, and Micah. Order your Navigator study guide HERE. Contact: Wayne Hackbarth, 704.641.3472, lovingminthill@gmail.com 

    Contacts: Pastor Rob Reece, 704.887.3696, rreece@calvarychurch.com & Ines Portalatin-Brice, 704.887.3681, ipbrice@calvarychurch.com

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    2025 Bible Reading Plan
    Join us in God's Word daily

    At Calvary, preaching and teaching the Word of God is central to who we are as a church family. It is essential that each one of us spends time reading the Bible every day.

    In 2025, we'll use a Bible reading plan by the 19th-century Scottish minister Robert Murray M’Cheyne, who lived from 1813 to 1843. His plan has been modified to cover two years and incorporates both Old and New Testament Scripture daily. 

    Download the plan for Year 1 below — or pick up a print copy in the Galleria:

    2025 Bible Reading Plan

    Contact: Pastor Rob Reece, 704.887.3696, rreece@calvarychurch.com & Helen Stewart, 704.341.5328, hstewart@calvarychurch.com