<p>Current Series<br />
Find out what we&#39;re studying on Sundays!</p>
Current Series
Find out what we're studying on Sundays!

Current Series

"We strongly believe when the Bible speaks, God speaks."
At Calvary, we are committed to reading, studying, preaching, teaching, and obeying the inspired Word of God.
Presented by Senior Pastor John Munro, the exposition of Scripture is the foundation of our worship. To allow for a more comprehensive study and a deeper understanding, Pastor Munro often preaches in series form — with an in-depth approach by book or topic.

Pastor Munro's Bible preaching and teaching are also featured in The Verdict, Calvary's radio and podcast ministry. The 25-minute daily radio program challenges listeners as to their response (their "verdict") on the truth of Scripture. Pastor Munro also hosts a weekly podcast called Avizandum, with new episodes available each Tuesday.


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    Luke — The Good News
    Sundays at 9:45 AM
    Our current series

    Sundays at 9:45 AM

    Join us at Calvary as Pastor Munro preaches through the Gospel of Luke!

    This book includes many unique features, such as the narratives of the birth of John the Baptist and Jesus. Luke also gives us well-loved parables such as The Good Samaritan and The Prodigal Son. He also refers to several beautiful songs recorded only in his Gospel — perhaps he was a musician!

    The apostle Paul describes Luke as “the beloved physician.” Throughout this Gospel, he focuses on the marginalized — including women, children, the poor, the sick, the disreputable, the excluded, and the broken.

    Why is Luke writing? To announce that Jesus is the Savior of the world and that salvation is offered to all!

    What will be your response?

    Miss a message? Watch series videos HERE.

    “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” — Luke 19:10



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    Message Series
    Selected Sundays, 9:45 AM & 6:00 PM

    Worship with us at Calvary on selected Sundays at 9:45 AM or 6:00 PM as we turn our hearts toward some favorite psalms. These magnificent psalms call us to glorify the Lord, sing His praises, take refuge in Him, and trust Him in every circumstance.

    Join us in the Sanctuary or via Livestream or YouTube.

    • January 26, AMPsalm 14
    • January 26, PMPsalm 15, Communion
    • February 2, AMPsalm 16
    • February 2, PMPsalm 20
    • February 9, AMPsalm 22
    • March 9, PMPsalm 23, Communion
    • March 23, PM — Psalm 27
    • April 13, PM — Psalm 32
    • May 4, PM — Psalm 34
    • May 11, AM — Psalm 37
    • June 8, AM — Psalm 39

    Miss a message? Watch again HERE.




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    Recent Message Series

    2,500 years ago, God placed a beautiful young woman in a position of great influence in ancient Persia in the midst of a conspiracy.

    The Old Testament book of Esther tells a fascinating story with many twists and turns. With the increasing rise of anti-Semitism today, this study of Esther will give us a historical perspective and increase our understanding. 

    We must remember that God is always at work, even when we face seemingly impossible situations. Though His name may not be mentioned in this unusual book, God’s sovereign hand is everywhere.

    Listen again HERE.

    “And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” — Esther 4:14




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    2 Peter
    Spiritual Maturity
    Recent Message Series

    With the conclusion of Pastor Munro's expository series on the epistle of 1 Peter, our Calvary pastoral staff will preach through the book of 2 Peter in the month of August.

    We invite you to join us for worship on Sundays at 9:45 AM and these messages:

    • August 4 — "Teachings for the Christian Life," 2 Peter 1:1–11
      by Dr. Timothy Brown
    • August 11 — "Stoking the Believers' Fire with Thoughtful Reminders," 2 Peter 1:12–21
      by Dr. Nathaniel Pearce
    • August 18 — "Watch Out: Danger Ahead!" 2 Peter 2 
      by Pastor Sibu Rajappan
    • August 25 — "Anticipation," 2 Peter 3
      by Pastor Jim Cashwell

    "His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence" — 2 Peter 1:3

    Catch up or replay previous Calvary messages HERE in our Media Player.




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    1 Peter
    A Living Hope
    Recent Message Series

    The apostle Peter writes to followers of Christ who are scattered and persecuted because of their faith. He exhorts them to stand firm in the grace of God and to remember the coming glory.

    In our world of suffering and increasing hostility to Christ-followers, Pastor Munro challenges us to live holy and humble lives and to follow the perfect example of our Lord Jesus Christ, who suffered for us.

    Catch up or replay previous messages HERE in our Media Player.

    "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you" — 1 Peter 1:3–4