<p>Adult Life Groups<br />
Sundays at 8:30 &amp; 11:15&nbsp;AM<br />
<em>Best way to connect at Calvary!</em></p>
Adult Life Groups
Sundays at 8:30 & 11:15 AM
Best way to connect at Calvary!

Adult Life Groups

Adult Life Groups are where we do life together! These smaller groups are an essential part of helping everyone connect at Calvary and grow in faith together. Join us on Sundays at either 8:30 or 11:15 AM.

ALGs meet to study God’s Word, pray, enjoy fellowship, and share the joys and challenges of life. This is where we develop lasting friendships and build community that stretches far beyond Sundays. 

There are lots of options! Feel free to visit as many ALGs as you like. Find the best fit for you — newcomers are always welcome! 

Contacts: Pastor Rob Reece, 704.887.3696, rreece@calvarychurch.com & Helen Stewart, 704.341.5328, hstewart@calvarychurch.com

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    ALGs for All Ages

    Amazing Grace
    Sundays at 11:15 AM | Room 240
    Teacher: Hank Crull

    Our specialty is the in-depth study of God’s Word, led by a team of seasoned Bible teachers who reach deeply into the text and lead us to make applications in our daily walk with the Lord. Encouragement and prayer are high priorities, supported through home fellowship events. We welcome your visit! (Not available via Zoom)

    Ambassadors for Christ 
    Sundays at 11:15 AM | Room 227 
    Teacher: Tim Donelli

    We are a multi-ethnic and multi-generational group united in Christ with a deep love for God, His Word, His Church, and the nations. Our goal is to apply biblical principles to our daily lives “to be and make authentic followers of Jesus Christ.” We enjoy rich fellowship and actively seek opportunities to serve the Lord together. Grow in Christ with us and become ambassadors for Him! (Not available via Zoom)

    Sundays at 11:15 AM | Room 402
    Teacher: Pastor Jim Pile

    Our multigenerational group eagerly studies the Word, enjoys rich fellowship, and strives to practice the “One Another” commands of Scripture. We warmly welcome newcomers!

    Life Application
    Sundays at 11:15 AM | Room 1200
    Teacher: Bill Bailey

    Our weekly lesson is based on a single Bible passage, and we encourage group discussion and prayer. We seek to apply the Scripture to our daily lives for the glory of God. Fellowship get-togethers in homes help us get to know each other well.

    Mustard Seed
    Sundays at 11:15 AM | Banquet Room
    Teacher: Pastor Rob Reece

    We explore the fundamentals of the Christian faith — looking to the Bible for truth, understanding, and growth in our relationship with God. We study with open hearts, eyes, and minds to discern God at work in all things. If you’re inquisitive and desire to share your journey, join us!

    One Aim 
    Sundays at 11:15 AM | Room 245
    Teacher: Shadon McAuley & Manoj Kothuri

    We are a diverse community of believers from all walks of life committed to applying God's Word, being involved in the ministry, and maturing spiritually. We desire to foster spiritual growth that crosses generations and cultures through prayer, fellowship, discipleship, and biblical teaching.

    Renewing Your Mind
    Sundays at 11:15 AM | Room 234 
    Teacher: Miguel Gonzalez

    The goal of this class is to grow spiritually and enjoy an intimate relationship with God through Bible exposition, prayer, discipleship, and meaningful fellowship. Join us as we learn to live in obedience to God’s Word, glorify Him, and reveal God’s truth, holiness, and beauty in all we do.

    The Equippers
    Sundays at 11:15 AM | Room 233
    Teacher: Steven Garofalo

    Our purpose is to equip followers of Christ through the study of God’s Word, topical-systematic teaching, practical application, group discussion, and fellowship. We emphasize faith in action and caring for each other.

    The Point
    Sundays at 11:15 AM | Room 228
    Teacher: Josh Mulaparthi

    This class focuses on discussing the message preached that morning. We consider questions and make applications to our lives. Join us as we discuss "the point"!

    Upward Call 
    Sundays at 11:15 AM | Room 445
    Teacher: Nick Illuminati

    As authentic followers of Jesus Christ, we are committed to encouraging one another to “press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” In this class, we will be challenged to grow in our relationship with Christ and one another as we learn and apply the Word of God to our lives. 

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    ALGs for 20s–30s

    New Beginnings
    Sundays at 11:15 AM | Room 136 
    Teacher: Pastor Jim Cashwell

    Young couples (20s) — Engaged couples, newlyweds, and young marrieds in their 20s gather for Bible teaching, discussion, and fellowship as we grow in Christ. We encourage each other and develop friendships while building a strong faith foundation. 

    College Life 
    Sundays at 11:15 AM | Room 200
    Teacher: Pastor Andrew McIntyre

    College students (18–25) can connect here for Bible teaching and small group discussion! We strive to develop authentic relationships with Jesus Christ and each other as we grow in our faith. Whether you’re in the area year-round or just on school breaks, you are welcome!

    Side By Side
    Sundays at 11:15 AM | Room 246 
    Teacher: Joey Grimm

    Young married couples (30s) — Connect with other married couples in their 30s, some with young children. We emphasize interactive discussion in this group so that we can carefully observe, interpret, and apply the truth of God’s Word. Walk side by side in faith and life with us! 

    Young Adults
    Sundays at 11:15 AM | Room 500

    Teacher: Pastor Sibu Rajappan

    Young single adults (20s–30s) are invited to join us on Sunday mornings! Pastor Sibu Rajappan will lead Bible teaching, followed by group discussion. We also get together during the week for activities and fellowship.    



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    ALGs for 30s–40s

    Growing Together
    Sundays, 11:15 AM | Room 446

    Teacher: Jon Allen & Rhett Davis

    This group is geared toward families with school-age children. We study God's Word together, focus on family discipleship, engage in fellowship, and uphold one another in prayer. We seek to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and equip our members to diligently teach their children to do the same (Deuteronomy 6:4-7).

    Sycamore Tree 
    Sundays at 11:15 AM | Room 226
    Teachers: Jordan & Jacqueline Shaw 

    Like Zacchaeus, our goal is to see and follow Jesus. Join us for Bible study that points us to Christ and helps us apply His Word to our lives. Whether single, newlywed, or married (with or without children), you’ll connect easily with this group as we grow together in the Lord.



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    ALGs for 40s–50s

    Overcomers In Christ
    Sundays at 11:15 AM | Room 238
    Teacher: Pastor Nathaniel Pearce

    We're a community of believers that enjoys interactive studies, building relationships, growing spiritually, and encouraging one another to overcome through Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit. We study and apply biblical principles in our lives and strive to prioritize Christ and live victoriously in Him.



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    ALGs for 50s–60s

    Christian Living
    Sundays at 11:15 AM | Room 231
    Teacher: Chuck Robinson

    We are a diverse group that shares a love for the Word of God and each other. Our goal is to apply biblical principles to our lives as we follow Jesus step by step. We enjoy rich fellowship and actively seek opportunities to serve the Lord together.

    Faith Builders
    Sundays at 11:15 AM | Room 222
    Teacher: Mike Gardner

    This group of married couples studies God’s Word together to develop a solid foundation for their faith. We focus on practical Bible teaching in a discussion-based format and prayer. Beyond Sundays, we build community through serving and an active calendar of fellowship events for couples, men, and women.

    Family Life
    Sundays at 11:15 AM | Room 232
    Teacher: Dennis Abbott, Chris Nordyke & Andrew Sims

    We’re a mix of married couples and single adults who seek to apply the teaching of Scripture to everyday life. Join us for in-depth Bible study, group discussion, and prayer. We also enjoy a variety of activities that develop relationships. Come strengthen your walk with Christ and do life with us!

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    ALGs for Senior Adults

    Joy Class
    Sundays at 8:30 AM | Room 1200
    Teacher: Jon Keil

    We’re a group of believers and prayer warriors who study the Bible and seek to apply it to our lives. We desire to grow in our knowledge of God’s Word so we may better live and witness for Christ. We also enjoy lots of fellowship!

    Life to the Max
    Sundays at 11:15 AM | Room 401
    Teacher: Ron Elmore & Rich Strahm

    We’re a large group of couples and singles that enjoy in-depth, interactive Bible teaching and discussion using study guides and multimedia presentations. We grow in faith and develop close relationships through fellowship and serving together. Join us to discuss God’s Word!

    Living Hope
    Sundays at 8:30 AM | Room 242
    Teacher: Tom Dilly

    As believers, we understand we have a life of hope through faith. Study God's Word with us and find encouragement to live with true hope in this troubled world. We also enjoy a rich time of prayer and fellowship!

    Pilgrims in Progress
    Sundays at 8:30 AM | Room 136
    Teacher: Bob Lanning

    Our large class treasures the Word of God, and our in-depth study focuses on the essential doctrines of the Christian faith. Our goal is to know and articulate what we believe and why. We pray for each other and enjoy activities that build strong friendships!

    Word Warriors
    Sundays at 8:30 AM | Room 226
    Teacher: Doug Goforth

    This vibrant group of couples and singles gathers for expository Bible study. We actively develop relationships as we fellowship and become integrated into the life of Calvary Church. The atmosphere here is relaxed, the people friendly, and the conversation lively. Join us!

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    ALGs for Internationals

    International Fellowship
    Sundays at 11:15 AM | Room 241
    Teacher: Sam Speights

    With members from around the globe, our multi-national group brings diverse testimonies of God’s grace and shares a deep love for the unifying truth of God’s Word. We enjoy quarterly fellowships, often filled with delicious international flavors! All nationalities are welcome; the group is taught in English.

    Hispano ALG
    Sundays at 11:15 AM | Room 237
    Teacher: Bill Ogden

    Meditamos en la palabra de Dios y la aplicamos a nuestra vida personal y familiar a la luz de nuestra experiencia Latinoamericana. This group is taught in Spanish without translation. 

    Slavic ALG
    Sundays at 11:15 AM | Room 328
    Teacher: Dar Hanjiev

    Добро пожаловать! This group is for those with Slavic backgrounds. Our focus is practical Bible teaching with a discussion-based format and application to our daily lives. Meetings include prayer, singing, and fellowship together. This class is taught in Russian without translation.

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    ALGs for Special Interests

    Abundant Life / Singles
    Sundays at 11:15 AM | Room 223
    Teacher: Fred Bridges

    Single and single-again adults, ages 40+, meet to live, serve, and grow together abundantly in God’s Word. We welcome all who are never married, separated, divorced, widowed, or single parents. Be a part of this discipleship and fellowship community!

    Family Foundation / Multi-generational
    Sundays at 8:30 AM | Room 233
    Teacher: Rich Farynyk

    Our unique multi-generational ALG welcomes parents, children, grandparents, and singles to grow with the older members teaching the younger ones, as in Titus 2. We pray for each other and enjoy close fellowship. Meet new friends and build a strong foundation for you and your family!

    Fervent Women / Women Only
    Sundays at 11:15 AM | Room 247
    Teacher: Tracey Stipp

    Open to women of all ages and stages! Our name comes from Acts 18:24–26. We seek to be “fervent in spirit” for the Lord and to grow in “the way of God more accurately.” We care for each other and strive to grow as fervent women. 

    Women of the Word / Women Only
    Sundays at 11:15 AM | Room 242
    Teacher: Mary Beth Hohman

    Looking for an ALG just for women? This group welcomes women of all ages and stages! We grow through inductive Bible study and the application of God’s Word. We support each other through prayer and enjoy great fellowship.