<p>Winter Elective Bible Studies<br />
Wednesdays, 6:30&ndash;8:00 PM<br />
<i>Module 2 meets through March 26</i></p>
Winter Elective Bible Studies
Wednesdays, 6:30–8:00 PM
Module 2 meets through March 26

Winter Electives

Join us on Wednesdays

6:30–8:00 PM

Are you truly growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ? Are you open to what God is teaching you? We invite you to grow in your knowledge and understanding of the Bible and apply biblical truth to your life. Be part of an elective Bible study on Wednesdays at Calvary!

Our Wednesday evening schedule coordinates with Fellowship Dinner, IGNITE for students, Awana & Gopher Buddies for kids, Nursery (please register), Special Needs, and Worship Ministry rehearsal. There’s something for everyone! 

MODULE 2: February 19 – March 26 (five sessions with a break for Missions Conference)

  • Online registration has closed. But you may join a class anytime; just sign in when you arrive.

Check out the course descriptions below and sign in for your first class.

Elective Courses 

Navigating the Bible (11–week class)
Pastor Rob Reece  |  Banquet Room

This class will help participants better understand and apply the Word of God. We will look at key chapters, themes, events, covenants, and the story of redemption culminating in Christ. The class will benefit those interested in teaching or serving as an elder or deacon, as it will prepare you for the required Bible examination. Come and gain more confidence in your Bible knowledge and theology.

A Survey of the New Testament (Modules 1 & 2)
Pastor Jim Pile  |  Room 401

How well do you know your Bible? One of the goals of the Apostle Paul was “to make the word of God fully known” (Colossians 1:25). We should have the same goal! This class will help you learn key themes, passages, and lessons from each New Testament book and equip you to be an “ambassador for Christ” (2 Corinthians 5:20).

Cults: Their Attraction and the Antidote of Sound Doctrine (Modules 1 & 2)
Pastor Nathaniel Pearce  |  Room 402

The community of cults has a significant attraction and stronghold on an increasing number of people today. Yet many who follow a cult have very little understanding of the embedded belief system and associated dangers. Do you have a family member, friend, or neighbor trapped in the clutches of a cult? Can you employ sound doctrine to defend the faith or help unshackle someone wrapped up in the cults? Join our study and learn to stand your ground in God’s Word. 

Paul’s Letter to the Galatians (Modules 1 & 2)
Pastor Jim Cashwell  |  Room 136

What does it mean to “live free”? As Americans, we think of the liberty we have purchased for us by those who came before us. What about as a believer? What does it mean to live free? Believers in the Lord Jesus Christ share a liberty we have purchased by our Savior, Jesus Christ. A believer’s liberty is granted the day we accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of our life, but learning to live free takes an understanding of the cost of freedom and the responsibility of that freedom. Join us as we study Paul’s letter to the Galatians. Paul spells out for the Galatians and us today the cost of liberty and how to live freely. 

Knowing God through Minor Prophets (Part II) (Modules 1 & 2)
Pastor Sibu Rajappan  |  Room 1200

In Part II of this course, we will focus on the themes and messages of Jonah, Micah, Nahum, and Habakkuk. Although called the minor prophets, the twelve minor prophets are profound in their theology and beautifully paint radiant pictures of our great God and His heart for His people and the world. Join us to learn rich truths about God and how to apply them in your life today!

Understanding a Biblical Worldview (Modules 1 & 2)
Chuck Robinson  |  Room 227

We live in a world where a biblical worldview is often challenged, ridiculed, and increasingly prohibited. This has caused many to compromise the truths of the Scripture to not only avoid confrontation but also to stay relevant. In this elective, we’ll learn the components of a biblical worldview, consider the Scriptural support for these components, and learn how to use a biblical worldview to explain our faith and have productive interactions with others.  

Standing Firm in the Armor of God (Modules 1 & 2)
Nick Illuminati  |  Room 445

The call to put on the armor of God is not a passive invitation but an order to be obeyed. This study of Ephesians 6:10–18 will explore what it means to “be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.” We will learn to be equipped with spiritual armor far superior to any worldly defense or strategy. As we consider examples of the faithful throughout Scripture, we’ll uncover a resolve to stand firm — not motivated by personal honor or gain but rooted in a heart set on serving and glorifying God. 

Gospel Engagement (Module 1 only)
Pastor Andrew McIntyre & Joshua Erlien | Room 200

As believers, we know we are to follow Jesus’ Great Commission to make disciples everywhere we go, but we often feel paralyzed when presented with opportunities to share the Gospel. In this class, you'll be equipped to use apologetic tools to share the Gospel gently and respectfully with those you encounter. This class will mix theory and practice, culminating with a Go2Proclaim Saturday outing, where we will join Pastor Sibu and his team, sharing the Gospel and putting our knowledge to work in the Charlotte community.

Holiness in an Unholy World (Module 2 only) — COURSE POSTPONED

Spanish Bible Study: Deuteronomy, Part 2 (11–week class)
Bill Ogden  |  Room 242

Deuteronomy 16–30 serves as the constitution of the nation of Israel, touching on civic and religious life. We will find many examples of God’s values for society. (This class is taught in Spanish with no translation.)

Prayer Group

Wednesday Night Prayer
Bob Lanning  |  NEW! Prayer Room

You’re invited to join us each Wednesday evening for prayer. We pray for each other, Calvary Church, our community, nation, and world. We meet continually throughout the year.

Contacts: Pastor Rob Reece, 704.887.3696, rreece@calvarychurch.com & Helen Stewart, 704.341.5328, hstewart@calvarychurch.com