<p>Men&#39;s Ministry<br />
<em>Connect and grow at Calvary!</em><br />
Men's Ministry
Connect and grow at Calvary!

Men's Ministry

Men at Calvary are invited to grow spiritually through Bible study, fellowship, and serving. Check out upcoming events below and spend some quality time in one of our Men's Bible studies or serving opportunities! 

Contacts: Rob Reece, 704.887.3696, rreece@calvarychurch.com & Ines Portalatin-Brice, 704.341.5681, ipbrice@calvarychurch.com

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    Men's Bible Studies
    Mondays & Tuesdays AM & PM

    Calvary men’s Bible study groups meet weekly throughout the year. Grow in your knowledge of God’s Word and enjoy accountability, connection, and fellowship. Newcomers are always welcome! 

    Monday Morning Studies

    1 & 2 Thessalonians and Jude
    Mondays, 6:30–7:30 AM  |  January 20 – April 14
    Conference Room A & Zoom

    Tom Miller

    We will study three New Testament letters: 1 & 2 Thessalonians and the book of Jude. These letters share common themes: stay the course, don’t wander from the truth, and cling to the hope of knowing that Christ is coming soon. Join us! This is a 13-week course with weekly lesson plans.  


    Mondays, 7:00–8:00 AM  |  March – November
    Room 242 & Zoom

    David Dafoe & Ralph Weitz

    In March, we will launch a study of Paul’s letter to the Romans, often called the "Constitution of Christianity." The apostle lays out the Gospel as the revelation of the righteousness of God in Christ and gives us applications for a Christ-centered life. We will use the Navigator Romans (LifeChange) study guide. This study guide is available on Amazon and in the Word Room at a discount. Join us and be blessed!

    Tuesday Morning Studies

    Seeing Christ in Ezekiel
    Tuesdays, 7:00–8:00 AM  |  January 7 – May 20

    Welcome Center & Zoom
    Dr. Terrill Nelson & Phil Comstock

    Ezekiel was a young priest in Jerusalem when he was carried away from Jerusalem as a POW by the Babylonians into the internment camps in Mesopotamia. His world was in turmoil. God called Ezekiel, the prophet, to preach among unrepentant Jewish exiles who’d stubbornly refused to accept responsibility for their national sin. What a mess! With bizarre visions, strange object lessons, and mysterious teachings, we’ll study how God used Ezekiel to prophesy poignant lessons not only for a fifth-century BC Israel but also for us today.

    Required Text Book:  The book will be available through the Calvary office or from Amazon or christianbook.com — Exalting Jesus in Ezekiel (Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary series)

    Overview of the Books of the Bible
    Tuesdays, 6:30–7:30 AM  |  January 7 – May 20
    Chick-Fil-A Stonecrest

    Jeff Arrington & Sy Pugh

    Join us as we study the Word of God from “In the Beginning” in Genesis 1:1 to “Amen” in Revelation 22:21. Since we are exploring the bible consecutively, book by book, you can register any time and pick it up wherever you are. This semester, we are starting with Leviticus. We will use a study guide, Bible Workbook and Guide by Brian Gugas. You may purchase your copy HERE.  

    Tuesday Evening Study

    Minor Prophets 1
    Tuesdays, 7:00–9:00 PM  |  January 7 – May 20
    Zoom Only

    Wayne Hackbarth, Jon Keil & Dave Clarke

    The minor prophets of the Old Testament have distinctive messages about the future of Israel and the kingdom of God. Our study will include Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, and Micah. Order your Navigator study guide HERE. Contact: Wayne Hackbarth, 704.641.3472, lovingminthill@gmail.com 

    Contacts: Pastor Rob Reece, 704.887.3696, rreece@calvarychurch.com & Ines Portalatin-Brice, 704.887.3681, ipbrice@calvarychurch.com

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    Pastor's Prayer Partners
    Sunday Teams

    Men are invited to join a team to pray with Pastor Munro at 9:00 AM on Sunday mornings before the worship service in the Calvary Prayer Room.

    Rotating teams of five to eight men meet on Sundays to pray throughout the morning service. Teams serve once per month.

    Contact Peter to join one of our prayer teams!

    Contact: Peter Farynyk, 704.341.5340, pfarynyk@calvarychurch.com