Building Expansion Project
Reaching out as lights in the world
Welcoming all for the glory of God
Growing deeper in the knowledge of God
The Reach Welcome Grow expansion project is a 15,000-square-foot addition to Calvary's main building designed to welcome newcomers, facilitate teaching and prayer ministries, and build community. There are multiple aspects to the project, including a distinct new main entrance, a larger full-service Calvary Café with an adjacent courtyard, 11 new classrooms for ALGs and Calvary Christian Academy, two new elevators, a Prayer Room, and completion of the Galleria renovation to tie all the improvements together seamlessly.
Reach Welcome Grow, in very practical ways, strengthens our ability to share the Gospel and more effectively be and make authentic followers of Jesus Christ.
The expansion was dedicated to the glory of God on December 22, 2024!
- Make a one-time or recurring gift below to the Reach Welcome Grow campaign. Select "Building Expansion Project" to designate your gift:
- We invite you to support the RWG project by submitting a confidential Faith Promise using the online form below. Faith Promises commitments are due by March 2026.
+ | Project Overview
Building Expansion Scope
The Calvary Expansion Project is a 15,000-square-foot addition to our main building designed to welcome newcomers, facilitate teaching and prayer ministries, and build community. There are multiple aspects to the $13.3 million project:
- A beautiful new entrance will be added to the south side of the existing Galleria to visibly and clearly denote the main entrance to Calvary Church! This welcoming atrium with multiple double doors will assist newcomers in finding their way into the church. It will provide safer building entry and exit and facilitate relationship building in informal seating areas filled with natural light.
- A larger, full-service Calvary Café will be added on the outside wall of the Galleria. This welcoming space will facilitate community and relationship-building among our congregation, guests, CCDC and CCA families, as well as our neighbors in the South Charlotte area.
- An outdoor ministry area with tables, chairs, and attractive hardscapes and landscaping will be added adjacent to the new Café. This open courtyard will enable people to meet informally to enjoy the beauty of God’s creation and host small group ministry events.
- An extensive makeover of the Galleria area parking lot will improve building access for those with mobility challenges, eliminate safety issues with the current main entrance road, and add parking capacity.
- Eleven new classrooms will provide much-needed teaching space for Adult Life Groups, Wednesday evening electives, and Calvary Christian Academy. Ten classrooms will be housed in a new four-story addition adjacent to the east side of the current Calvary Child Development Center wing; the other classroom will open onto the Galleria near the current Welcome Desk.
- Two larger, faster elevators will be added near the existing elevators to facilitate the movement of people to and from the new classrooms, the Crown Room, and the Calvary church offices. Once installed, the existing elevators will be refurbished with faster, more reliable machinery.
- A new handicap-accessible Prayer Room will be added on the first floor to facilitate and expand the ministry of prayer throughout the week.
- Refurbishing the existing Galleria with new lighting, paint, carpet, and signage will integrate all the elements of the building expansion project. This will enable all of our recently completed renovations — the Sanctuary, Chapel, Room 1200, and the CCDC corridors and gateways — to be tied together with a consistent look across the entire first floor of the church.
This project follows the same neo-Gothic design motif of the current building and scales well with the existing four-story Galleria. Similar building materials will be used to integrate the overall look and feel of the structure with the unique architecture of Calvary Church.
+ | My Faith Promise
Use the online form here
Prepare your RWG Faith Promise card as Calvary Church prepares to reach out, welcome in, and grow deeper for the glory of God!
- Complete and submit your confidential Faith Promise online below:
- Pray that God will lead you to give according to the blessings that He has given you.
- Study the material provided for the campaign, and if you have questions, contact an elder, pastor, or another Calvary leader for clarification.
- Determine what you will give in total over the course of the campaign (now through March 2026) in addition to your regular offerings — this will be your Faith Promise.
- Consider what portion of your Faith Promise can be offered now as an “initial gift.” Larger initial gifts will significantly reduce Calvary’s need to borrow for construction and reduce the overall financing costs for the project.
- Complete the Faith Promise card, including the “Giver Information” section. This information will be kept confidential.
- Fill in the six lines that outline the amount and time frame in which you plan to fulfill your Faith Promise. The last line is the total of all time periods.
- Sign your card. Submit printed cards in the offering on Sundays or mail to the church.
- You may use offering envelopes, mailed checks, or online giving (one-time or recurring scheduled gifts to the "Building Expansion Project") to fulfill your Faith Promise through March 2026.
+ | FAQs
Learn more about the RWG campaign
Frequently Asked Campaign Questions
What is the goal of the campaign? When will it start and end?
- Reach Welcome Grow is a capital campaign supporting Calvary’s building expansion project. The elders approved the project and campaign in July 2022. On Commitment Sunday, March 26, 2023, we began receiving Faith Promises to fund the project in addition to regular contributions to the General Fund. A three-year fulfillment period is now underway, concluding in March 2026.
How much will the building expansion cost, and how will we finance it?
- The price for the building expansion and renovation, site work, architectural fees, and furnishings is $13.3 million. Contributions from the RWG campaign will be the primary source of funds, although some borrowing will likely be required to bridge expenditures with the timing of contributions. The financing arrangement is subject to Calvary’s debt policy.
When will the expansion work start? How long will the project take to complete?
- Construction began in June 2023. The project was completed in December 2024.
When do you want my commitment, and how will I be expected to fulfill it?
- Commitments may be received at any time. Faith Promise Cards are available in the Galleria or use the online form.
To fulfill your Faith Promise, you may use offering envelopes, mailed checks, or online giving (one-time or recurring scheduled gifts).