Children's Bible Clubs
Awana & Gopher Buddies
Wednesdays, 6:30–8:00 PM
At Calvary, we love children! And we love teaching them about God and His Word.
Calvary Children’s Ministry actively partners with parents to encourage families to make a whole life commitment to Jesus Christ. We seek to engage each child in a fun, creative, age-appropriate program that helps build a solid spiritual foundation. We invite your child to be part of our ministry on Sundays, during the week, and at special events throughout the year!
Please sign in your children at the kiosks on Sundays and Wednesdays. Your child’s primary room assignment will print on their security tag. Please check their program information below for drop-off and pick-up instructions.
New to Calvary? Have Questions? Please stop by the Family Welcome Desk (near the elevators) on Sunday mornings or contact the Children’s Ministry office at 704.341.5356.
+ | Children's Bible Clubs |
Wednesdays, 6:30–8:00 PM
Child drop-off for clubs begins at 6:15 PM
September 11, 2024 – May 7, 2025 (as scheduled)
Children's Bible Clubs — Awana and Gopher Buddies — are fun-filled programs for children age three through 5th grade. We also offer C–Track for students in 6th–12th grades. In these programs, kids develop life-long Bible knowledge, memorize Scripture verses, and learn to apply God's truth to their lives.
Club meetings are on Wednesday evenings during the school year. Bible clubs are not drop-off events. Parents must remain on campus during clubs, either participating in one of our Bible Study Electives or serving in ministry. Nursery is offered for infants and toddlers (please preregister).
The annual cost for Awana and Gopher Buddies is $75 per child, covering uniforms, workbooks, and awards. The cost for C–Track is $55. Financial assistance is available; apply using the registration link below.
Revised Calendar 9.23.24
Gopher Buddies | Ages 3, 4 & TK
Young children enjoy games and activities while beginning to learn and memorize Scripture. We encourage preschoolers to have daily devotions at home with their families. Children must be three years old by August 31, 2024, and be fully potty-trained. Drop-off and pick-up are at the 1st-floor rooms assigned on the security tag you receive at kiosk check-in.
Gopher Buddies now has a Waitlist. You may join the list below, and we will contact you when a spot becomes available for your child.
Awana Sparks | K–2nd Grade
Awana T&T | 3rd–5th Grade
Awana is a Bible club ministry that teaches children the Word of God. Weekly Scripture memory, Bible-centered lessons, games, and awards for "a job well done" are key to Awana's goal of making Christians "Approved Workmen that Are Not Ashamed" (2 Timothy 2:15). Please sign in each week at the kiosks.
Sparks: Drop-off in Room 300 // Pick-up in the Chapel
T&T: Drop-off in the Gym // Pick-up in Room 300
Sparks is now on a Waitlist. You may join the list below, and we will contact you when a spot becomes available.
T&T is now on a Waitlist. You may join the list below, and we will contact you when a spot becomes available.
Awana C–Track | 6th–12th Graders
C–Track students recite their verses to mentors on Wednesday evenings while pursuing their Citation Award and the Awana college scholarship program. Meeting time is 5:45–6:25 PM in the Calvary Café or Galleria concourse area.
Families that need assistance may register to be considered for financial aid.
We provide childcare for babies and toddlers through age three during scheduled Wednesday evening activities. Please complete the ONE TIME registration below to help us prepare for you. Parents must remain on campus, either participating in a ministry program or volunteering.
We need adults ages 18+ to serve in a variety of roles! When you register as a volunteer, you'll choose a club and a training session. Teens may serve as Leaders in Training (LIT) while participating in C-Track. Please consider joining our team!
Bible Club Contacts:
Susan Grigg, 704.341.5356,
Craig & Kim Mears,
+ | Children's Kiosk Check-in |
At Calvary, we provide secure check-in, name tag identification, attendance records, and parent pick-up systems for families with children participating in our Sunday and Wednesday programs.
Parents, please check in your children every Sunday (AM/PM) and Wednesday (PM). Thank you!
Kiosk Locations // 1st Floor: Entrance 1, Family Welcome Desk (elevators), Nursery Hallway // 3rd Floor: Elevator Landing Area // CLC: Athletic Entrance
New Families: Please stop by the Family Welcome Desk located on the first floor near the elevators. Our team will assist with entering your information and printing your tags. It's a quick, one-time process!
Secure Entrances: The entrances to the preschool and grade school hallways are locked from 10:10–10:45 AM on Sundays. Should you arrive later, please accompany your child to the worship service in the Sanctuary. A live-feed monitor of the worship service is also available outside the third-floor balcony for families with young children. Thank you!
Photo & Video Release — Participation at Calvary Church confirms permission for church employees and volunteers to take photos and record video footage of children, students, and adults for potential use in Calvary’s print, web, digital, and social media for ministry or promotional purposes. No personal information will be included.
+ | Nursery |
The Calvary Nursery provides loving care for infants and toddlers (birth–24+ months). Parents can drop off little ones and attend the worship service with peace of mind. We see the Nursery as a child's first step toward a relationship with Christ. As infants and toddlers learn to trust those who care for them, their hearts prepare to have faith in God, who loves and cares for them.
Playtime activities introduce children to biblical truths and allow parents to continue teaching at home. On Sundays at 11:15 AM, our older toddlers join the preschool children for music, puppets, drama, video, and more!
We provide a small pre-packaged snack for toddlers. Please let us know if you have any food or allergy concerns. Thank you!
What are the regular Nursery hours?
Drop-off begins at 9:30 AM. Continuous care is provided through the 9:45 AM worship service and ALGs from 11:15 AM to 12:15 PM. Registration is not necessary for Sunday morning Nursery.
What is available on Sunday Evenings?
Drop-off begins at 5:45 PM. Childcare for babies and toddlers up to age three is offered during Sunday evening services. Please help us plan for you by completing the ONE TIME registration below. Parents are expected to remain on campus and attend the service.
What is available on Wednesday evening?
We provide childcare for babies and toddlers up to age three during scheduled Wednesday evening activities. Please complete the ONE TIME registration below to help us prepare for you. Parents must remain on campus, either participating in a ministry program or volunteering.
How do I check in and drop off my child?
Parents, please check in your child at one of the kiosks to receive security tags (one for your child to wear and one for you to keep for pick-up). Then, drop off your child at their classroom; the room assignment prints on the name tag.
Do I need to bring anything for my child?
If possible, please bring a labeled diaper bag with disposable diapers, a change of clothes, a labeled pacifier, and a filled and labeled bottle or sippy cup.
What security measures are in place? How can I keep in touch?
I’m new to Calvary. Is there anything I should do first?
Welcome! Please stop by the Family Welcome Desk on the first floor near the elevators. We’ll gladly help you register your child and find the Nursery.
Have a new baby, or are you expecting?
We’d love to welcome you and provide helpful information about the Nursery.
Nursery Coordinator: Jane Jewell, 704.341.5399,
+ | Preschool |
On Sunday mornings, we introduce children to the lifelong adventure of walking with God and being Jesus’ disciple! Preschool classes for children ages 2 1/2 through Kindergarten meet at 9:45 AM and 11:15 AM. Children are welcome to attend one or both hours; programming is continuous. Drop-off begins at 9:30 AM.
We provide a small pre-packaged snack. Please let us know if there are any food or allergy concerns. Thank you!
Be sure to ask your child what they learned each Sunday!
Where should I drop off and pick up my child?
Please check in your child at one of the kiosks to receive security tags every Sunday (one for your child to wear, the other for you to keep for pick-up). The classroom assignment will be printed on your child’s security tag. Please drop off and pick up your child at their assigned classroom on the first or second floors.
I’m new to Calvary. Is there anything I should do first?
Welcome! Please stop by the Family Welcome Desk on the first floor near the elevators. We’ll happily help you register your child and find their Preschool classroom!
Parents — We invite and encourage parents to serve with their child’s class on a rotating basis. There are many ways to serve, and it’s a great way to get to know other families with young children at Calvary! LEARN MORE
Preschool Coordinator:
Ages 2–3, Susan Grigg, 704.341.5356,
Ages 4–5, Lori Koppelmann, 704.341.5349,
+ | Kid Zone | Grades 1 & 2 |
Kid Zone is where our 1st and 2nd graders begin making their faith their own. The children worship the Lord through music, participate in Bible study and prayer, and begin to apply biblical principles to their lives. We emphasize God's desire to have a personal relationship with every child!
Kid Zone starts at 9:45 AM in the Crown Room with large group praise and worship, videos, and interactive presentations. Then we move to small groups for Bible study activities. Children who continue for the 11:15 session enjoy an active program in Room 300 featuring Bible challenges and games that reinforce the lesson and Scripture memory goals. Children may attend one or both the 9:45 and 11:15 AM sessions. We encourage kids to bring their Bible every Sunday!
We provide a small pre-packaged snack. Please let us know if you have any food or allergy concerns. Thank you!
Where should I drop off and pick up my child?
Parents, please check in your child at one of the kiosks to receive security tags every Sunday (one for your child to wear, the other for you to keep for pick-up). Your child's primary room assignment will be printed on the name tag.
If my child stays for both sessions, do I need to return after the first hour?
No. Simply drop off your child at 9:45 AM, and our staff will get them safely to the 11:15 AM session.
Be sure to ask your children what they learned each Sunday!
I’m new to Calvary. Is there anything I should do first?
Welcome! Please stop by the Family Welcome Desk on the first floor near the elevators. We’ll gladly register your child and help you get to Kid Zone. It's an easy, one-time process!
+ | Zone 345 |
Zone 345 is where kids in 3rd–5th grade will be engaged in God's Word, equipped to understand and apply God's truth, and encouraged to stand firm in their faith.
Zone 345 meets on Sundays from 11:15 AM–12:15 PM. We start as a large group in the Crown Room for worship and a Bible lesson presented with videos and lots of engaging fun activities. Then, we break into small groups in classrooms where kids can dig more deeply into God’s Word. We encourage kids to bring their Bibles every Sunday!
We provide a small pre-packaged snack. Please let us know if you have any food or allergy concerns. Thank you!
Worship Service at 9:45 AM — We encourage children in grades 3–5 to attend worship with their families.
Children receive a Calvary Kids Worship Folder from the ushers before entering the Sanctuary. Encourage your child to follow the sermon by answering the questions and drawing a picture to illustrate the message. After the service, drop off the completed folder at the Family Welcome Desk or in the Crown Room when your child arrives at Zone 345.
Where do I drop off my child for Zone 345?
Where should I pick up my child?
I’m new to Calvary. Is there anything I should do first?
Welcome! Please stop by the Family Welcome Desk on the first floor near the elevators. We’ll gladly register your child and help you get to Zone 345. It's an easy, one-time process!
Zone 345 Coordinator: Karen Cargo, 704.341.5458,
+ | Calvary Kids Worship Folder |
Pastor Munro provides questions in the Calvary Kids Worship Folder for children to answer each week as they listen to the sermon. And there's a space to draw a picture of the main idea of the message!
Kids (especially 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders) will receive a Calvary Kids Worship Folder from an usher as they enter the Sanctuary each Sunday. They can also pick up a copy at the Welcome Desk in the Galleria.
Parents, encourage your children to answer the questions as they listen to the sermon. Pastor Munro personally reviews the submitted folders each week!
Use a DARK pencil for best results, and make any words in the drawing large and clear. Then, turn in the completed folder at the Welcome Desk or in Zone 345 after the service. Your drawing may be on the cover of next week's folder!
Zone 345 Coordinator: Karen Cargo, 704.341.5458,
+ | Children's New Believers Class |
Registration for the February/March class is now closed. Please check back for a class this fall. Thank you!
Did your child recently pray to receive Christ as Savior? Is your child interested in learning more about what it means to be a Christian? At Calvary, we want to partner with families to help children grow in their faith and make it their own.
The program involves several components — See dates & details below:
Parent & Child Kick-off — February 1
Saturday Morning Session: 10:00–11:30 AM, Room 242
Parents will receive an introduction to discipleship, while children receive an age-appropriate overview of what it means to be a Christian and some of the fundamentals of the faith.
+ | Children's Ministry Volunteers |
Calvary Children's Ministry is growing, with more new families joining us each week!
If you love the Lord Jesus and love to teach children about Him and His Word, we invite you to partner with us to reach the next generation with the Gospel. You may serve as a teacher, assistant, leader, or partner — all are important to the success of our ministry. Many volunteers serve on a rotating monthly schedule.
There are many opportunities to serve with children at every age and stage:
To join our team, volunteers must have attended Calvary for at least six months, and all teachers must be Calvary members. Background checks are required for those 18 years of age and older.
Please complete the registration below, and we'll contact you about opportunities to serve with us!
Interested in serving with our Children's Bible Clubs — Awana, Gopher Buddies, & C-Track? Learn more HERE.
Contact: Susan Grigg, 704.341.5356,