Sunday Spotlight
Sunday Spotlight is where we share our Calvary Kids Bible lesson topic each week for kids of all ages. Use this lesson for a Family Night devotion or a review time to talk about what your children learned at Calvary on Sunday! We post a new lesson every Wednesday.
Lesson Title: The People Doubted
Bible Passage: Numbers 13–14
Key Passage: Romans 8:28
Big Picture Question: Why should we obey God? We should obey God because He made us, He loves us, and His plans are good.
Lesson Summary
Numbers 13 and 14 describe the culmination of the Israelites’ dilemma of doubt. Though God continued to prove Himself faithful, the Israelites clung to their perception of certain death rather than the assurance of their God-given victory. They trusted in their own understanding rather than in God’s covenantal promises.
What stopped God’s people from entering the land of Canaan? How do our doubts keep us from worshiping God as He leads us through difficult circumstances?
For 40 days, the Israelite spies traveled and scouted out the Promised Land before returning with their report. Indeed, the land flowed with milk and honey — just as God promised. However, it was also brimming with strong men inside fortified city walls. The fearful Israelites lacked faith in God and in the leadership He provided.
Moses urged God to relent from His anger, reminding Him of His perfect character and how the Egyptians would try to defame Him. God pardoned them yet swore these unbelievers would not witness the fulfillment of God’s promises for themselves. Only Caleb, Joshua, and the next generation of Israelites would inherit the land. Upon hearing this, the people tried to circumvent God’s plan by now going to battle on their own. This failed, of course, and many of the people were struck down by the Amalekites and Canaanites. Doubt and disobedience became the Israelites’ downfall. Rather than experience rest in the land of Canaan, they were left to die in the wilderness.
Though Israel failed to believe God and trust His Word, God remained faithful to His people. Today, because of the finished work of Jesus, we can turn from unbelief and turn to Him as the object of our trust. Though we may not know what is next on our journey with Jesus, we can trust that eternal communion with the Father awaits us and that the gift of eternal life is available to all who abide by faith. Lead the kids in your family to see the great mercy of God in allowing the next generation of His people to enter into His promises. May the children who learn this Bible passage recognize God’s call to abide in His love through faith in His Son.
Christ Connection
This is the big idea of how this week's Bible story points to Jesus.
Big Picture Question & Answer
This is an important biblical truth that your child will encounter each week of this unit.
Key Passage
Romans 8:28 This is a Bible verse that relates to what your child will encounter each week of this unit.
Next week: The People Complained (Numbers 16; 20–21)
At Calvary, we use The Gospel Project for Kids on Sunday mornings as our guide for Bible study. This curriculum provides a three-year chronological journey through the Bible, giving our children a Christ-focused foundation with lots of hands-on activities.
© LifeWay. The Gospel Project for Kids. Published in the USA. Used by permission.