<p>Sunday Spotlight<br />
Calvary Kids Bible Lesson<br />
<em>Family Resource&nbsp;</em><em>for Sunday, July&nbsp;28</em></p>
Sunday Spotlight
Calvary Kids Bible Lesson
Family Resource for Sunday, July 28

Sunday Spotlight

Sunday Spotlight is where we share our Calvary Kids Bible lesson topic each week for kids of all ages. Use this lesson for a Family Night devotion or a review time to talk about what your kids learned at Calvary this week! We post a new lesson every Wednesday.

Sunday, July 28

Lesson Title: Paul Returned to Jerusalem

Bible Passage: Acts 21–22

Key Passage: Isaiah 25:1

Big Picture Question: Why should we praise Jesus? We should praise Jesus for what He has done to provide our salvation and also because He is returning one day to make all things right.

Lesson Summary

Acts 21 and 22 serve to build out the suspense of the troubles ahead that lay Paul in the city of Jerusalem. Not only Paul but other disciples had likewise heard from the Holy Spirit that dangers lay ahead of him should he continue his plans for the journey ahead. Even still, the apostle ventured on, leaning into the high stakes and emotions felt by so many of his brothers and sisters in the faith. 

What led Paul to set aside the warnings he had received about all that awaited him upon his return to Jerusalem? What guiding forces ushered this apostle forward as he considered the fate in store for him? 

Paul displayed an unwavering trust and abiding hope in Jesus as he counted the cost of following Him. His answer to the pleadings of Agabus and the locals was that he was ready to sacrifice everything for the name of His Lord Jesus. His conviction on the matter of going forward with his plans was so strong, in fact, that the people’s response could only be to have faith that the Lord’s will would be done. Paul didn’t care about reputation, status, or prestige — only Christ crucified and His name proclaimed to the Jews and Gentiles alike. 

Even the apostle’s defense to the mob in Jerusalem was deeply steeped in the grace of Jesus. He sought not to simply get himself out of trouble, but to declare the worthiness of His Lord before an audience who only wanted to see him dead. He shared with them all they had in common and the one thing that kept them distinct and separate from one another: faith in the Son of God. He was driven by a hope that they would turn to saving faith in Him, too. 

Reflect on the evidence of Paul’s faith before his fellow disciples and those who were unbelievers. No one questioned his confidence in the Father, no matter the cost. Pray for the hearts of your students as you prepare to teach this session. May your faith grow and be displayed before those God has set before you. May they see and experience the worthiness of His love through your devotion and fervor for His Gospel. 

Christ Connection

This is the big idea of how this week's Bible story points to Jesus.

  • Babies & Toddlers: We can tell people about Jesus because God is with us.
  • Younger Preschool: Paul followed God’s plan even though he faced trouble. God was with Paul. We can tell people about Jesus because God is with us, too. 
  • Older Preschool: Paul followed God’s plan even though he faced danger. Paul believed that God, who kept His promise to raise Jesus from the dead, would help him too. We can follow God’s plan to tell others about Jesus even when it is hard. 
  • Kids: Paul followed God’s plan and returned to Jerusalem even though he faced danger in the city. Paul believed that God, who was faithful to raise Jesus from the dead, would help him in his troubles. We can follow God’s plan to tell others about Jesus and trust God to take care of us.

Big Picture Question & Answer

This is an important biblical truth that your child will encounter each week of this unit.

  • Younger Preschool: Why should we praise Jesus? We should praise Jesus for all He has done for us.
  • Older Preschool: Why should we praise Jesus? We should praise Jesus for all He has done for us.
  • Kids: Why should we praise Jesus? We should praise Jesus for what He has done to provide our salvation and also because He is returning one day to make all things right. 

Key Passage

Isaiah 25:1  This is a Bible verse that relates to what your child will encounter each week of this unit.

  • Babies & Toddlers: "Lord, I will praise Your name." (Isaiah 25:1)
  • Younger Preschool: "Lord, I will praise Your name." (Isaiah 25:1) 
  • Older Preschool: "LORD, you are my God; … I will praise your name, for you have accomplished wonders." (Isaiah 25:1)
  • Kids: "LORD, you are my God; I will exalt you. I will praise your name, for you have accomplished wonders, plans formed long ago, with perfect faithfulness." (Isaiah 25:1)

Next week: Paul Was on Trial (Acts 22-23)

At Calvary, we use The Gospel Project for Kids on Sunday mornings as our guide for Bible study. This curriculum provides a three-year chronological journey through the Bible, giving our children a Christ-focused foundation with lots of hands-on activities.

© LifeWay. The Gospel Project for Kids. Published in the USA. Used by permission.