Worship and celebrate with us!
We invite you to Calvary Church for worship services, concerts, and special events throughout the Christmas season!
- What to expect at Calvary worship services MORE
Please see the details below — and plan now to join us and invite others!
+ | | Candlelight Christmas Eve
Tuesday, December 24
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Candlelight Christmas Eve | Good News of Great Joy
Tuesday, December 24
Three services: 3:00, 5:00 & 7:00 PM
In the Sanctuary & via Livestream / YouTube / Facebook Live
Calvary Candlelight Christmas Eve services will be filled with joyful worship, carols, candlelight, and Pastor John Munro’s special message, "Good News of Great Joy." Bring family and friends — all are welcome!
Tip: Allow extra time for traffic, parking, and seating before the services begin. Candles will be provided by the ushers as you enter. Merry Christmas!
Nursery (through age three) for the 3:00 & 5:00 PM services is available, but online pre-registration was required by December 18. Parents may drop off children 20 minutes before the service and pick them up immediately afterward.
Childcare registration is now closed. Questions? Contact Jane Jewell at 704.341.5399 or jjewell@calvarychurch.com.
Translation — Spanish, Russian, and Chinese translations will be provided via phone at 5:00 PM. Please bring earbuds or headphones to use during the service.
Calvary Church is located at 5801 Pineville–Matthews Road in Charlotte, NC 28226.
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Invite others to our Christmas Eve services! Use these graphics to share on social media:
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+ | | Christmas Concert
Sunday, December 15
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“The Savior of the World”
Sunday, December 15
Two Concerts: 9:45 AM & 6:00 PM
In the Sanctuary & via Livestream / YouTube / Facebook Live
Join us for “The Savior of the World,” a powerful worship celebration featuring Calvary choirs of all ages, vocal teams, band, and orchestra — with a special message from Pastor John Munro.
Schedule Notes — At 9:45 AM, regular Children’s Ministry programs for Nursery, Preschool (through Kindergarten), and Special Needs will meet. Please sign in children at the kiosks as usual. Adult Life Groups, Student Life Groups, Kid Zone, and Zone 345 will not meet on December 15.
Register for 6:00 PM Childcare — Nursery for infants and toddlers through age three will be offered during the evening concert with online preregistration by December 11. Drop off at 5:40 PM and pick up promptly after the concert.
- Nursery registration is now closed.
Questions? Please contact Jane Jewell at 704.341.5399 or jjewell@calvarychurch.com.
Translation—Spanish, Russian, and Chinese translation will be provided via phone connection. Bring earbuds or headphones to use in the service.
Calvary Church is located at 5801 Pineville–Matthews Road in Charlotte, NC 28226.
Invite others to the concert! Use these graphics to share on social media:
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+ | | Advent Service & Organ Concert
Sunday, December 1 at 6:00 PM
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Advent Service & Organ Concert
Sunday, December 1
6:00 PM
Celebrate the beginning of the holiday season at our Advent Service & Organ Concert, which includes organist Elizabeth Hildebrand playing carols and classics at the Calvary Grand Organ.
It’s a festive evening of worship and Christmas music for everyone! Join us afterward for the lighting of the Calvary Christmas tree!
Nursery is provided through age 3; drop-off begins at 5:45 PM. Please pick up your child immediately after the service, before the tree-lighting. Thank you!
Elizabeth Hildebrand has been the organist at Calvary since 2009. She holds a Master of Music in Organ Performance from Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University.
Contact: Christy Pressley, 704.887.3687, cpressley@calvarychurch.com
+ | | Luke — The Good News
Sundays at 9:45 AM
Our current series
Sundays at 9:45 AM
Join us at Calvary as Pastor Munro preaches through the Gospel of Luke!
This book includes many unique features, such as the narratives of the birth of John the Baptist and Jesus. Luke also gives us well-loved parables such as The Good Samaritan and The Prodigal Son. He also refers to several beautiful songs recorded only in his Gospel — perhaps he was a musician!
The apostle Paul describes Luke as “the beloved physician.” Throughout this Gospel, he focuses on the marginalized — including women, children, the poor, the sick, the disreputable, the excluded, and the broken.
Why is Luke writing? To announce that Jesus is the Savior of the world and that salvation is offered to all!
What will be your response?
Miss a message? Watch series videos HERE.
“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” — Luke 19:10