<p>Worship Service Translation<br />
Spanish, Russian &amp; Chinese<br />
Sundays at 9:45 AM&nbsp;<em>by phone</em></p>
Worship Service Translation
Spanish, Russian & Chinese
Sundays at 9:45 AM by phone

Worship Service Translation

On Sundays, our 9:45 AM worship service is translated LIVE into Spanish, Russian, and Chinese.

We also provide translation at selected holiday services and concerts.

Get instructions here:






Calvary has phone numbers that allow you to call in and listen to the service live or on-demand.

Here’s how it works:

  • Call on your mobile phone or any telephone and listen:
    • Chinese — 877  748  3414
    • Russian — 877  734  4341
    • Spanish — 877  740  3413
  • To be notified when our worship service goes live, press “1” to receive a phone call before the service begins.
  • Please bring headphones or earbuds to use if you listen to the service live in the Sanctuary.
  • To listen to the translation during the service Livestream, connect to the Livestream on a mobile phone/device/computer and call the translation phone number using another phone/landline.
  • If you miss the live service, you may call the number at any time to hear the most recent sermon on demand.

Questions? Contact: Pastor Sibu Rajappan, 704.907.7497, srajappan@calvarychurch.com