Livestream Tech Support FAQs

Sometimes technology just doesn’t want to cooperate. If you’re having difficulty accessing our service at, please try the following:

  • Refresh your browser (press F5) — this should resolve the most common problems or allow you to reconnect if there was a disruption in the stream.
  • Check your network connection to be sure you are connected to the internet.
  • Close your browser and reopen
  • Make sure only one tab and window are open.
  • Close your current window and try another browser. (For instance, try Safari or Firefox if you're using Chrome or Internet Explorer.)
  • Make sure you are running the most recent version of your browser software. You can typically find that information under “Preferences."
  • Be sure to empty your cache/history/cookies. You can typically find this under “Preferences” as well.  
  • You may have AdBlock or pop-ups or plug-ins blocked. Give permission for this site to have pop-ups so that you can see all the buttons and menu items. If using AdBlock, use the ‘Don’t run on this page’ option and refresh the page.
  • Restart your computer.
  • A quick solution is to try another device, such as your mobile phone or tablet if you're using a laptop or desktop computer.

If nothing else works, try to access our livestream simulcast on Calvary Facebook at

(NOTE: If you are on a mobile device, you will need to install the Facebook app to be able to view the live event.)

Having sound issues?

  • Check your device for microphone volume.
  • Check your streaming volume when viewing on screen.