<p>Martha Ministry<br />
Help provide a meal at Calvary<br />
<em>for bereaved families</em></p>
Martha Ministry
Help provide a meal at Calvary
for bereaved families

Martha Ministry

Do you have a heart for serving those who are grieving? 

Our Martha Ministry team supports Calvary families by providing a meal at the church before or after the funeral of a family member. Volunteers are assigned to a team and serve three or four times per year by preparing a covered dish and delivering it to the church ready to serve.

We need additional volunteers! Contact us to get involved!

Ministry Coordinator: Dalene Ingle, 704.573.0491, digiolde@carolina.rr.com
Administrative Coordinator: Dianne Miller, miller1994@aol.com
Jennifer Sharpless, 704.341.5417, jsharpless@calvarychurch.com