Easter Volunteers
Would you consider attending one Easter worship service and volunteering for the other?
Easter Nursery Volunteers
Ages 18+ must have a background check on file. Volunteers must arrive at least 30 minutes before the service starts.
Please contact the coordinators below to sign up:
Nursery: Heather Melcher, 704.341.5399, hmelcher@calvarychurch.com
Preschool: Susan Grigg, 704.341.5356, sgrigg@calvarychurch.com
Easter Ushers & Greeters
We need additional ushers and greeters to welcome guests and assist with seating on Easter Sunday.
Greeters and ushers arrive 45 minutes before the service begins.
Calvary members may sign up by emailing the contacts below:
Ushers: Malcolm Weeks, malcolm.weeks58@gmail.com
Greeters: Hector Castillo, hectorcastillo7@verizon.net