<p>Family Cookout<br />
<em><strong>Event Canceled</strong></em></p>
Family Cookout
Event Canceled

Family Cookout

Our Family Cookout has been canceled.

Wet fields from rain Saturday along with an 80% chance of storms today we have made the difficult decision to cancel this event. 

Thank you for your understanding.

Sunday, August 27
6:00–7:30 PM, CHAMP Pavilion

All middle and high school students and their families are invited to our Student Ministry Family Cookout! We'll enjoy great fellowship and dinner from the grill as we celebrate the start of the new school year. This will be a great opportunity for your family to meet our Student Ministry leaders and get to know Pastor Cameron and Pastor Micah. Bring lawn chairs or a blanket!

  • Rain cancels this event; watch for web and email updates!

PROMOTION SUNDAY is August 27! All students move up to new grade-level SLGs. Get details and complete the annual enrollment form HERE.

Contact: Pastor Cameron Engle, 704.887.3678, cengle@calvarychurch.com, Pastor Micah Burdett, 704.341.5327, mburdett@calvarychurch.com, & Jennifer Porras, 704.341.5320, jporras@calvarychurch.com