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Romans: The Defense of the Gospel
Part Three
Chapters 9–11
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Introduction: A Personal Reflection on Israel
Review and Outline: Romans 1–8
Overview and Outline: The Defense of the Gospel (Chapters 9–11)
• Week 1: Justice and Mercy
• Week 2: Jesus is Lord
• Week 3: Hearing and Believing
Essay | Evangelism: His Story—Our Story (by Pastor Jim Cashwell)
• Week 4: Israel's Unbelief
Essay | Biblical History: Israel and the Abrahamic Covenant
Essay | Biblical Prophecy: Israel and God's Word
• Week 5: Israel's Future
Essay | World History: Israel and Its Persecution
• Week 6: To God Be the Glory
Essay | History & Prophecy: The Miracle of Israel
Know It By Heart: Scripture Verses for Memory