<p>Life Chain<br />
Sunday, October 3<br />
2:00&ndash;4:00 PM</p>
Life Chain
Sunday, October 3
2:00–4:00 PM

Life Chain

Sunday, October 3, 2:00–4:00 PM

Life Chain is a public, prayerful, peaceful witness against legalized abortion. We stand united in prayer and repentance on the first Sunday of every October.

Calvary has participated in Life Chain since 1998, and we hope you can join us this year. 

We'll span the Calvary front lawn along Pineville-Matthews Road, holding pro-life signs and praying for forgiveness for the millions of lives that have been lost through abortion in America. This is a reverent time to pray and seek the Lord's mercy. There are Scripture verses, psalms, and hymns printed on the back of each sign to help us focus our time. 

Families are welcome — please bring lawn chairs, umbrellas, strollers, and water bottles.

Rain or shine, we invite you to participate in Life Chain. Please meet the group at 2:00 PM at the Chapel entrance for instructions and prayer as we begin.

"If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land" 2 Chronicles 7:14

Contact: Debbie Ware, 704.650.6095, deborahhware@yahoo.com or Pastor Sibu Rajappan, 704.341.5336, srajappan@calvarychurch.com