<p>Be a Light<br />
Neighborhood Outreach</p>
Be a Light
Neighborhood Outreach

Neighborhood Outreach

"Be a Light" to Your Neighbors


Do you desire to reach out to your neighbors with the Gospel? Do you sometimes struggle to be intentional? Do you want to be better equipped and more effective?

"Be a Light" is a ministry that encourages and equips you to be a light in your neighborhood. This ministry uses a free tool at BlessEveryHome.com that coordinates with Calvary's strategy of PRAY, CARE, SHARE, and DISCIPLE to help you intentionally reach your neighbors with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Calvary offers a five-week training class periodically throughout the year. Please check back to register for the next class or contact Pastor Sibu.

You'll learn about relationship-building strategies, how to share the Gospel conversationally, and how to make disciples in your neighborhood. This training covers these key areas:

  • Being the Light
  • Articulating the Gospel
  • Turning everyday conversations into spiritual ones
  • Putting it into practice

"Be a Light" will also provide you with the following:

  • Encouraging devotionals, tips, resources, and testimonies
  • On-demand training to help you navigate through objections or obstacles
  • Training and curriculum to lead a seeker to Christ through discovery Bible study

Contact: Pastor Sibu Rajappan, 704.341.5336, srajappan@calvarychurch.com