<p>Women&#39;s Fall Bible Studies<br />
Tuesdays, Sept&nbsp;10 &ndash; Nov&nbsp;19<br />
AM &amp; PM options<br />
<em>Register now!</em></p>
Women's Fall Bible Studies
Tuesdays, Sept 10 – Nov 19
AM & PM options
Register now!

Women's Fall Bible Studies

Are you looking for an opportunity to connect? Are you ready to study God’s Word in a deeper, more meaningful way? Check out our fall Women’s Bible Studies! At Calvary, you’ll find a place to grow spiritually and connect with friends. Newcomers are always welcome!

Tuesdays: September 10 – November 19

Morning Classes: 9:30 AM–Noon
Evening Classes: 7:00–9:00 PM

  • Fall Kick-off Meeting
    Join us on Tuesday, September 10, at 8:45 AM
    in the Crown Room as we start the fall semester.

Please pre-register for your class below by September 4. You may also register in person on Tuesday, September 10, at 8:45 AM or 6:00 PM at the registration table on the second floor across from the elevators.

Limited childcare is offered for morning classes only; children must be pre-registered online. Please see the full childcare details below.



Tuesday Morning Classes

Job: LifeChange Bible Study
by The Navigators
Teacher:  Alison Eddings  |  Room 241 & Zoom

Suffering is not a foreign concept to the woman of God! Whether we have endured suffering, will endure suffering, or walk alongside someone who is suffering, our lives are not shielded from heartache because we are Christ-followers. Join us as we study and apply God’s truth from the book of Job — his grief, his hope, and ultimately, his humble deference to the will of God. We’ll come to trust and love God more deeply and learn to comfort others in their time of need as we’ve been comforted through our sufferings (2 Corinthians 1:4). Cost: $8

Discovering Good News in John
A Creative Devotional Study Experience

by Farrel, Jones, & Dornacher
Teacher:  Annie Isaac  |  Room 237 & Zoom

This creative study invites you to explore the story of Jesus’ life — His mission, ministry, and resurrection — and be transformed along the way. You’ll discover fresh perspectives with contextual insights into the culture, celebrations, and community of Jesus’ time and practical applications of the Good News for your everyday life — creative coloring pages feature hope-filled, worship-inspiring Bible verses. Engage your heart, mind, and soul with the life-changing truths of the Gospel! Cost: $13

Joel, Amos, and Obadiah
by Kristofer Holroyd
Teacher: Jan Adams  |  Room 234 & Zoom

Joel, Amos, and Obadiah are like hidden gems in the Bible. They speak directly to issues we face today — corruption, deceit, dishonesty, immorality, and behind it all, a turning away from God. These ancient texts offer insight into who God is and urge us to obey and trust the Lord. Studying them will help us navigate life and find hope in adversity. Join us for an in-depth study of these little books with mighty messages! Cost: $6 

Women of Purpose — In His Image
by Jen Wilkens
Teachers: Bonnie Williams & Angie Hyman  |  Room 227 

Sometimes we ask, “What is God’s will for my life?” when we should really be asking, “Who should I be?” In this study, we’ll explore ten core characteristics of God — holy, loving, just, good, merciful, gracious, faithful, patient, truthful, and wise — and discover how He calls us to purposeful living as we follow His will and conform to the image of His Son. Cost: $7

Isaiah, Part 2: Comfort My People
Precept Upon Precept 
by Kay Arthur
Teacher: Jackie Schaffer  |  Room 226 & Zoom

The book of Isaiah paints a prophetic picture of the Lord Jesus Christ that strikes awe in our hearts! In chapters 40–66, the Lord told Isaiah to speak kindly to Israel, as He wanted to comfort His people with His words. After their punishment for sin, there will be great restoration. This study will give you a glimpse of the world’s future. So, join us as we complete this exciting study of the crown jewel of the Old Testament prophets and see the beauty and majesty of our awesome God. Cost: $25

God Loves You: He Always Has, He Always Will
by Dr. David Jeremiah
Teacher: Rometa Arrington  | Room 222 & Zoom

In today’s society, the concept of love has been so cheapened, abused, and twisted that we may think of love as something small and selfish. No wonder it can be difficult to understand the magnitude of God’s love. In this study, we’ll consider ten dimensions of God’s passionate and personal love for all mankind. When we understand God’s love for us, we are empowered to share it with others. Cost: $10

Praying the Names of God
by Ann Spangler
Teacher: Cheri Strahm  | Room 242

By studying the Hebrew names of God in Scripture, we’ll discover His amazing character and attributes. Join us as we learn about the God who sees us (El Roi) and cares about every detail of our lives. We’ll grow closer to the Lord our Rock (Jehovah Tsuri) and the Lord who Provides (Jehovah Jireh). We’ll better understand the One who is our Banner, a Consuming Fire, and Lord of Hosts. We’ll come to trust the Lord more consistently and pray more faithfully! Cost: $16

Discovering Daniel
by Tsarfati & Yohn
Teacher: Mary Beth Hohman  |  Banquet Room & Zoom

While the world appears to be in dire straits, the book of Daniel paints a vivid picture of the many ways God guides our lives and world events, providing us with great reason to hope. As we explore the deep connection between Daniel and Revelation, you will learn how 2,500 years of history unfolded precisely as God said it would. This study reveals how the words, actions, and visions of the prophet Daniel can provide you with purpose and hope in today’s chaotic world, encouraging you to live with confidence in God’s supreme sovereignty and love in the time we have left on this earth. Cost: $18

MOMS — Making Our Mothering Significant
Ruth & Esther

by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
Teacher: Betty Farynyk |  Room 240

Ruth and Esther are two ordinary women God used in remarkable ways for His kingdom. God honored Ruth, a humble widow, to become the great-grandmother of David in the line of Christ. God used Esther, a Jewish orphan, to become a Persian queen to save His people from destruction. Join us as we learn about God’s character and His ways from the lives of Ruth and Esther so that we can teach our children also. Class time will include discussion, teaching, prayer, testimonies, fellowship, and connection with a Mentor Mom in the Titus 2 model. The cost includes both study guides: $16 

Tuesday Evening Classes

Praying the Names of God
by Ann Spangler
Teacher: Cheri Strahm  | Room 242 & Zoom

By studying the Hebrew names of God in Scripture, we’ll discover His amazing character and attributes. Join us as we learn about the God who sees us (El Roi) and cares about every detail of our lives. We’ll grow closer to the Lord our Rock (Jehovah Tsuri) and the Lord who Provides (Jehovah Jireh). We’ll better understand the One who is our Banner, a Consuming Fire, and Lord of Hosts. We’ll come to trust the Lord more consistently and pray more faithfully! Cost: $16

Discovering Daniel
by Tsarfati & Yohn
Teacher: Mary Beth Hohman  |  Zoom Only

While the world appears to be in dire straits, the book of Daniel paints a vivid picture of the many ways God guides our lives and world events, providing us with great reason to hope. As we explore the deep connection between Daniel and Revelation, you will learn how 2,500 years of history unfolded precisely as God said it would. This study reveals how the words, actions, and visions of the prophet Daniel can provide you with purpose and hope in today’s chaotic world, encouraging you to live with confidence in God’s supreme sovereignty and love in the time we have left on this earth. Please order both the book and study guide for this class!

Childcare Information — AM Only

Weekly check-in for childcare/homeschooling is located at the Main Welcome Desk in the Galleria (at the escalators). 


  • Free childcare is provided for infants through age five during MORNING CLASSES ONLY. Children must be pre-registered to receive childcare. Be sure to sign up for childcare when you register for your class. Our program includes Bible story time, crafts, coloring, outdoor play as weather permits, and snacks. Space is limited! 
  • Infant/Toddler Class (under age 2) is FULL. Contact Jennifer to join the waitlist.


  • We offer a class for homeschooled students in kindergarten through 5th grade. Children must be pre-registered to attend. Each week, we provide a biblical theme and message with lessons on science, literature, history, or art. There is a $10 fee per child per semester and a maximum of $30 per family per semester. Space is limited!

Contacts: Pastor Jim Pile, 704.341.5359, jpile@calvarychurch.com
Jennifer Sharpless, 704.341.5417, jsharpless@calvarychurch.com
Childcare: Heather Melcher, 704.968.5219, heatherleonall@yahoo.com